1962-12-08 a Council Meeting, December 8, 1962 r The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Soutnlake was neld on veeemu-r 81 lyd4, otayor Jsnn bteYenson preside* Pno answering roll call were Councilmen J. J. Carlile, W. H. Crumbaker and John R. Tate. o Bills were presented for approval: jurors in a traffic case were allowed the usual fee of $1.00 eadh; an amoijav i.o$ $15.00 was approved for gifts for the dispatchers in Grapevine City Hall; the donation to men of the Grapevine Fire Department was discussed and increased to $125.00; routine bills for marshal's car expense and secretary's expense were approved; motion for such approval was made by W. H. Crumbaker and seconded by John R. Tate. Motion carried. Mayor Stevenson asked Mr. Crumnaker to assume the duties of Civil Defense Director and the secretary wqs instructed to o write Mr. Garner of the Stqte Defense Progratm of this gppointment. No further business was transactes aaa on motion of J. J. Carlile, the meeting wa adjournea. Y~ ayo r .r t Secretary ~r 0 a