Meeting of the City Council
City of Seuthlake k
September 22,
The meeting of the city council was called to order
by Mayor Stevenson. Answering roll call were councilmen
Paul Schell, W. H. Crumbaker, John R. tate, Earl Williams,
also present were the marshal and city secretary.
Minutes of the previous meeting were readand approved.
A letter from the Civil Defense department was read and
discussed. Mr. Austin was asked to contact Mr. Mason
Langford of the Tarrant County Defense Department for a
convenient time for Mr. Langford to appear before the
Council to give details on how the City Council might
cooperate in Civil Defense plans.
Routine bills were approved for payment; also,
liability insurance bill for the marshal's car (ever and
above that the charge would be for personal use) to Yancey
and Yancey in the amount of $85.00 was presented. This was
approved for payment by motion of Paul Schell, seconded by
W. H. Crumbaker. Also, on motion of Mr. Schell, seconded by
Mr. Crumbaker, a bill to Texas Power and Light Company for
X639.86 for Carrell Little League lights was paid. "
There was no further business and motion was made by
Paul Schell, seconded by J. R. Tate, that the meeting adjourn.