Meeting of the City Council
City of Southlake
July 14 , 1962
T#e meeting was held in the city hall at i PM. Mayor
Stevenson called the meeting to order and answering roll call
call were W. H. Crumbaker, Paul Scholl and J. J. Carlile.
Reading of the previous meeting was waived and business of the
day started.
Mr. Stevenson read a letter from John Gearheart of the
Corp of Army Engineers. The lengthy communication had to do
with operations of the Rockledge Paris and leased concession. 4
After discussing the pros and cons of the problems of thePark
area, especially its' inaccessibility to the residents of the
City, Council decided to notify the Army of its' desire and
intention to relinquish the area as seemed its right under
the terms of the original lease agreement. Motion was made
by Paul Schell and seconded by J. J. Carlile that such notice
of intetdaien be mail6d at once to the Corp in Fort Worth,
that the city would release the premises at the end of a
thirty day period. Motion carried and the secretary was
instructed to dispatch the letter at once. It was added that
the letter should contain recommendation that the present lessee
be allowed to remain on the premises.
J. J. Carlile agreed to Mayor Stevenson's request that he
matte a personal check of the construction verk at R ckledge Park.
Council agreed that upon Mr. Carlile's OK, the money allocated
for this purpose in the Rockledge Park Bank account would be
paid to Messrs. Holder and French.
Mayor Stevenson stated there were extra expenses of telephone
calls, stamps incurred by the secretary. Mayor Stevenson suggested
that council allow $5.00 per quarter to the secretary to defray
these miscellaneous expenses. W. H. Crumbaker made a motto n for
this allowance to be paid, seconded by Paul Schell, carried.
Motion to adjourn was made by J. J. Carlile, seconded
by Paul Schell, carried.