Night Meeting, January 15, 1962
The regular meeting of the City Council was held
on Monday evening at 7:30 in the home of MaJror John
Stevenson. Answering roll call were C. M. Gordon, J. J.
Carlile, and Earl Williams, Councilmen; also present
were Messrs. C. E. Davis of the Corp of Engineers,
Bob Holder and Homer N. French, Lessee of Rockledge Park.
Mr. Stevenson called on Mr. Davis to state to the
a Council members the problems concerning Rockledge Park.
These included changes in the plans submitted in November,
1961, when the Lessee of the Park changed from Mr. B.A.
Moreman to G. W. Smith and Associates. Secondly, another
change in Lessee, inasmuch as Mr. Smith was withdrawing from
the operation; thirdly, discussion of the future plans of
the Council in complyinig with the Corp of Engineers in
management activities, a budget for same and personnel
A to be used in maintenance of the area.
It was agreed that a new agreement would be
required to show Messrs. Molder and French as Lessee.
The matter of funds for expense of administration
of the park was discussed,{ On motion of C. M. Gordon,
4 M seconded by Earl Williams, ten per cent of the rental
derived from the park operation ($570.32) should be used
by the City as an administrative expense. Motion carried.
A letter from Mr. Gearheart, chief of the Real Estate
Division of the Corp of Engineers was read. He referred to
Paragraph three of the License from the Army which includes
plans for management activities to be undertaken by the
licensee or jointly by the Corpn of Engineers and the licensee;
budget of the licensee for carrying out the management
activities; personnel to be used in the management of the
Messrs. Holder and French stated the most urgent
4 need was for beach improvement and a boat launching ramp.
A general and detailed discussion ensued on the best
locatbpn, etc. for the ramp. The cost of such construction
was discussed and Mr. Holder stated he would be glad to
undertake this building personally under the supervision of
Mr. Davis and the council member designated to check on
same. It was agreed that a proper facility could not be
completed with the amount the City had to re-invest and the
Lessee agreed that he would supply the balance needed to
construct the type ramp suitable to the needs of the Park.
Page two - Council Meeting, January 15, 1962
No definite agreement was reached at this meeting, but it
was generally agreed that if and when the plans were
approved by all parties concerned, the council would issue
a form of letter of credit, with the stipulation that the
actual money would be paid upon satisfactory completion of the
ramp and beach improvements agreed upon.
Mr. J. J. Carlile made a motion that the pertinent
points of this dis cussion be considered a working plan
whereby the Lessee might proceed to get definite data together
and submit facts and figures to the Council and Corp of
Engineers. Mr. Gordon seconded this motion, it carried,
and the meeting then was directed to other matters.
Mr. Earl Willians mentioned the fact that he
had given his approval to payment of the usual donations
• to Carvell PTA and Grapevine Fire Department and asked .
the Council to signify its' approval by a vote at this
time. The expenditure of this $150.00 to the two
organisations was unamimouityapppmwdd.
Reading of the minutes of previous meetings and of
a special called meeting on December 1% were read and
approved. A financial report was read and approved by the
members. Mr. C. M. Gordon suggested a copy should be
made available to members of the Council and the Mayor.
On motion of Mr. Earl Williams, the meeting was
adjourned..and Mr. Stevenson immediately served up some
excellent coffee which Mrs. Stevenson graciously had
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