City of Southlake
August 12, 1961
The regular meeting of the City Council was held on August 12, 1961
at 2 PM. Mayor John Stevenson, Councilmen J. J. Carlile, R. E. Williams,
C. M. Gordon, Joim Cope, W. C. Cunnings, anewdred roll call. Also present
were Mr. Ben McClure, and Keller Austin. Mr. Frank Lanford joined the
'group after the meeting was in progress.
Meeting was called to order thd the usual reading of the minutes of the
last meeting was dispensed with. Mr. McClure was asked to go directly into
a discussion of how far-reaching were the duties of the city marshal in
enforcing law and order in the city's confines.
After a general discussion of Mr. McClure's remarks, the council
approved the usual and routine expenses..secretary's expense, marshal's
a traffic violations. Mr.
car expense, Mr. Freak Lanford $40.f38 for
C. M. Gordon presented a bill for the maps which he had prepared and which
bill had been previously approved..for $7.50.
do There being no important business to transact, on motion of Earl
I" Williams, the meeting adjourned.