City of Southlake
May 13, 1961
The regular meeting of the City Council was held on May 13, 1961, with
Mayor John Stevenson, Councilmen J. J. Carlile, C. M. Gordon, W. C. Cummings,
answering roll call. The oath of office was administered to W. C. Cummings, or
elected Councilman Place One, on Aoril 4, 1961; Mayor Stevenson performed this
On motion of Mr. C. M. Gordon, Mr. J. J. Carlile was elected mayor pro-tem.
The matter of investing the city's surplus funds in an interest-bearing
account was discussed. Mr. W. C.Oammings made a motion 1, that $2,000.00 be
deposited in a savings and loan association or 2. the same amount be placed in es
a bank savings account after 3. approval by the City's attorney. Mr. C. M.
Gordon seconded the motion and it carried.
Mr. Cummings made an addenda to his original min. The buiHing and loan
company should be designated and the bank which would be used as a depositary for
the funds in event the attorney decided this plan was more feasible. Mr.
Cummings named Tarrant County Savings and Loan, and the First National Bank of
Grapevine in the addenda, which was seconded by J. J. Carlile. This was approved
by the councilmen and the secretary was instructed to write Mr. Ben Mcc ure, the
City's attorney, for his opinions
On motion of C. M. Gordon, a donation of $200.00 was approved for the Carroll .
School Athletic field: W. C. Cummings seconded this motion.
On motion of C. M. Gordon, seconded by J. J. Carlile, an amount of $30.00
was donated to the Grapevine Civic Center, payable in monthly installments of
$5.00 each. This was approved. '
City maps, made by C. M. Gordon were distributed and motion made by W. C.
Cummings, seconded by J. J. Carlile, that Mr. Gordon should prdsent a bill for
the costs of the maps.
A bill of $12.14 to the Kibler Office Supply for filing cabinet and office
supplies was approved; Mr. Frank Lanford's statement for $24.00 (6 cases tried
for traffic violations) was approved for payment. These on motion by C. M. Gordon,
seconded by J. J. Carlile.
Mr. Keller Austin arrived after the meeting was in progress, having Ueen
delayed in the line of duty. At this time, Mr. Austin was asked to discuss the pp
problem of his increased car expenses. After general discussion of the vario#s
phases of the marshal's service, the Council voted to increase Mr. Austin's expense
allowance to $75.00 per month. On motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by W. C Cumming, A'
the increase was to become effective with the Maur 13, 1961 check--which would mean
the increase was effective from Anril 1, 1961. The motion was unanimously approved.
On motion of W. C. Cummings, the meeting was adjourned. PP
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