Minutes of the Mdeting of the City Council
of Southlabe, Texas, October 8, 1960
The regular meeting of the City Council of 89uthlame, Teas
was held on October 8, 1960 at ease o'clock. Mayor John Stevenson
presided and councilm u present were J. J. Carlile, W. C. Cumaings, _
R. E. Williams; others present were Frank Lanford, Keller Austin,
and Irene Nelson, secretary.
Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed
with by motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by W. C. Cunmings.
Mayor Stevenson opened the meeting by calling for old business.
Be asked specifically for reports on the maps which would identify
the authorised bounds of the City of Southlalae. No progress reports
Were submitted.
Mr, R. E. Williams gave estimates an labor and equipment
for developing an athletic field for Carroll School. This natter
was deferred for further investigation by Messrs. Carlilo, Williams,
Cummings, and K. H. Austin.
A water ordinance as a matter of future consideration was
discussed briefly.
Mr. loner Austin presented a bill in the amount of $71.00.
This represented the difference in cost of liability insurance
because of the use of his personal car in his duties as Marshal.
on recoam ondaticn of R. B. Williams, the Council voted to pay this
amount and the secretary was instructed to write a check to
Yancey and Yancey, Insurance Agents.
Mr., Frank Lanford, City Corporation Court judge submitted
his bill for cases handled and this item of $52.00 was ok'd
for payment.
on motion of J. J. Carlile, the meeting was adjourned.
o -M. Stdvensom,, mayor
ne son, ecre ary.