1960-05-28 1dBIUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETEIG OF THE TOVI*d COLT ICIL, TOUT OF SOUT~ILAKE, TEXAS, IAY, 1960 ,r A special meeting of the Town Council of Southlake, Texas, was held Ilay 28 at the home of h'ayor Stevenson. The following members were present constituting a quorum: Mayor John Stevenson Councilmen J. J. Carlile 'T. C. Cummings C. Gordon Also present were I:larshal Keller Austin, Tr. Jackson, and vlr. C. Kreyc ik. ~r The T,tayor called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. The main purpose of the meeting was to consider repairing the Marshal's radio or purchasing a new one. The Alayor explained that the Federal Communication System requires a different type of radio; the type that is is the ?;larshal's car now must go out by 1963, because it is not adapted to a new narrow band. ~'fy /~u r~~4S c e ra~l~'o T ~^oh., vtc~eh]~ 5~4~' ~ t~'/7 rCt' f~Cn After a discussion T,Ir. Cunmin-s moved that the R*,& ,nauthori, e 'Marshal Austin to negotiate with Robert Stark to install radio for not :Tore than ~1'1415 net. His motion was seconded and adopted un- ,J ST. S. animously. A service contract was discussed. The P:larshal was asked to look into approximately what the services for the radio would be. * 1r. Jackson and Yr. Kreycik presented their plans for a road which they are asking the County to build. The Council felt that the road vias in d accord with the over-all planning of the City and agreed to support their request to the County Commissioner. The n.eeting was adjourned. Ju y Sti_son, City Secretary d APPROVED : John 1,11. Stevenson, 14ayor ar `