1960-04-09 11D,TUTES OF THE REGULAR 1:TEETDTG OF THE C TO NN COUAICIZ, T074 OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APRIL, 1960 V Pursuant to the call of the Mayor and to notice given to all members of the Town Council stating time, place, and purpose of the meeting the regular meeting of the Town Council of Southlake, Texas, was held April 9 at the Carroll School. The following members were present constituting a quorum: 111ayor John 11. Stevenson 'Councilmen J. J. Carlile John Cope W. C. Cummings Id C. 14. Gord on Earl Williams Also present was Attorney Ben McClure. M The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. by Mayor Stevenson. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The Council looked over a report from the Tarrant County grand jury. The Mayor presented a letter and a check from the Tri-County REA (for 2% gross revenue since November 12, 1956), which amounted to $1,275.51, a deposit slip showing a $75.93 gross receipts tax from Southwestern States Telephone Company, and W22 from various bu4_lding permits. On mnti_on of Mir. Cummings the Council authorized payment of ;"115 for a light and siren for the Marshal's car. On jMt m of 1,11r. Gordon the Council voted unanimously tc contribute $25.00 to the County-Vide Sewerage Survey instead of $50, which had been adopted at the last meeting. On motion of Mr. Carlile the Council approved pay- ment of x;10 to the assistant election judge and to the election clerk and $12 to the election judge. The secretary gave a f inanciAl report showing a balance of x"2,186.69 as of April 9 including all deposits and checks mentioned above. The Tlayor reported that an agreement had been made by which Mir. Frank Lanford, Justice of Peace Precinct #3, will try cases brought in by Vlarshal Austin and deposit the fines; in return Southlake will pay him. $h.00 for each case that he tries. Mr. McClure administered the oath of office to 'Mir. John Cope, place 3; TVir. C. MT. Gordon, place h; and Mr. Earl Williams, place 5. Q 4 A .a rµ..._. Id TU TES, APRIL, 1960 2 The baseball league being organized b-y Carroll, Colleyville, and Smithfield schools was discussed. Mr. Williams was asked to contact the team managers and chairmen of the school boards to get more infor- mation. It was decided that the Council would want to contribute to something permanent, such as a ball park. After a discussi Ur rd oved that the Marshal's automobile expense allowanc ~6 rai§W #OA' a month. His motion was seconded and adopted unanimously. On motion of 1,Ar. Carlile the Council voted unanimously that this motion be effective in May, 1960. a~ Mr. 111 Clure was asked to write to the Keller Telephone Company and the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company inquiring about the use tax ' as set up in Ordinance 97. r On motion of Mr Gordon the Council voted unanimously to have a fi- nancial statement of Southlake as of 'Larch 21 published in the Grapevine Sun. There was a discussion of long-range plans to invest some of the Southlake money in bonds. Since there was no-other business, the meeting was adjourned at ` 2:45 p.m. Judy Stinson, Secretary , A PROVED: John M. Stevenson, Mayor C* .mayy. k ...ok'v+.w.t'-.,~...qy+...v -.«r .M.i. _ ,......w+..yy.w¢ Sa•.n,o-n-....M wa ...,<M..r 9qF~![{` n... _ ,