1966-12-06 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE INCORPORATED 1956 40 TARRANT COUNTY P. O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76051 is )U hLAnL Ui Y COUtvUIL r.i; lll~ii UEC 6, 1966 The meeting was called to order by Mayor pro tem, marl Williams. Present were, councilmen: J J. Carlile J. D. Cate J. L. olow w. H. Crumbaker City attorney ren tYicClure 'rhe minutes were read and at.)proved as read. The mayor pro tem called for new business. home citizens present asked about rezoning the Hall anexation. The city attorney -advised that 90" of the people in the Hall anexation would be required to have the zoning changed.. 'the City Attorney brouf;ht forward ordinance # 145 for acceptance or rejection by the council. ordinance # 145 An ordinance receivinT and annexing territory adjacent to the City of 9outhlake, Texas, providing that such area shall be come a cart of said vity ana that the owner and inhabitants there of shall be entitled to all the priviliges of the other citizens of said city and be bound by the acts anu ordinances now in effect and to be hereinafter ,.dopted. A plat of the territory to be ar:nexed aas also presented. The City attorney advised the council that the ordinance was drawn up in proper form. after a brief discussion m r. Carlile m~:de/ a motion to accept ordinance 1 145. J!otion was seconded by J. D. Uate. ,t,he motion carried unanimously,, i,Ir. Carlile su~s_ested that a letter be sent to the Dalton eo. concerning some leaks in the water system. A motion was made by 10r. J. L. Clow and seconded by J. D. Cate for the secretary to write a letter to the Halton Uo giving notice that if leaks are not repaired b,y the 15th day of Dec. the r;ity tiill repair such leaks and send the charges to the Dalton co. The motion carried unanimously ana, the city secretary was so instructed. r;r. Carlile reported that the speed signs were not being put u~o. ter. r,Yrilliams said he would take care of the matter. ?there was a discussion on the zoning in the Uity. Hem mculure ex-ulained that the city was zoned for agriculture and resient ial and that any other zoning; was done on individual cases. MW ow CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PM INCORPORATED 1986 TARRANT COUNTY to P. O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76051 mvinutes of City council meeting Dec. 6, 1 66 P mr. ulifton ana the zoning committee were sent outside by iv,r Williams to work out a zoningrequest made for vir. ulifton's land that joins the railroad near Fighway 121. 6 '"he committee returned to the meeting and made a reccommendation. after a discussion and a little ch.nge in wording, ivtr. Clifton's zoning; request was put into the form of a motion by J. D. Cate. The motion was seconded by vir. urumbaker and it carried unani mously. r+r. uarlile made a motion that any request for a. building permit of a commercial er-tablishment be reffered to the city Council. #IR ,rrhe motion wasseconded by J. D. Cate an-, carried unanimously. vir. ! illiams re.:d a letter from F H 4 concerning the finds for the new city building. It was decided to submit a new plan Lnd new request to the agency. rlr. Alliams plzins to get a new estimate on the building. There was a discussion on the hearing ta.kin~ place in nustin , on the proposed municipal gas system. The meetin was adjourned. wr