P. O. BOX 868
September 22, 1966
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Schell, those present were:
Mr. Earl Williams
Mr. J. J. Carlile
Mr. J. D. Cate
Mr. J. L. Clow
Special guest from Bl Nelson Assoc. was Mickey Guiken.
Mr. Guiken passed out booklets on comparative prices of natural gas
to L P Gas. Mr. Guiken stated that 614 customers would beideal but
the system could be run on less.
It was discussed that the probable cost of a gas connection to those signing
up later would be cheaper that the water tap. It would be in the neighbor-
hool of $135.00.
Motion was made by Mr. Carlile that the City will pay the cost of
conversion from LP gas for the customer to natural gas ifthis can be
done by replacing and adjusting orifice. The city will not buy a new
appliance. This motion was seconded by J. D. Cate and carried unanim-
Motion was made by Mr. Williams to set up an account in the name of
City of Southlake Gas Distribution System in the Firat National Bank
of Grpaevine, Texas. This will handle the money coming in for deposits
made by customers of the Gas System. Motion was seconded by J. L. Clow
and carried unanimously.
Motion was made to invite the Mayor of Westlake, Mr. John McGuire, to
the next regular meeting of the Southlake City Council to discuss the
possibility of Westlake's being included in the gas system. This motion
was seconded by Mr. Carlile and carried unanimously.
Mr. Williams and Mr. Schell are going to st"it the plan for the City
building to F. H. A. in an effort to get them to release the balance
of the water loan for the purpose of errecting the building.
The Carroll Boosters requested permision of the City Council to have a
professional sign pathter to inscribe the water tower with the slogan
'Southlake, Home of the Carroll Dragons' Mr. Cate made a motion `o
granting this which was seconded by Mr. Clow, motion carried.
Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Cate.
a Meeting was adjourned