1966-07-05 MINUTES CITY OF SOUTHLAKE COUNCIL MEETING The S©uthlake City Council met Tuesday, July 5, 1966 at 7:30 P. M. with the following members present: J. L. Clow, W. H. Crumbaker, J. D. Cate, Jr. , J. J. Carlile, R. E. Williams and Paul Schell, Mayor who presided. Vistors were Howard Moffat, Keller Austin and John Quinn. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. Nelson and also the special minutes read and approved. It was agreed to send a copy of the special minutes to Mr. Morrison at the Farmers Home Administration. A motion was made by Mr. Williams to contact the proper people concerning the city limit signs, stop signs and speed signs and to set up a work date for this action to be taken. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crumbaker- and motion carried unanimously. o`' eo 4# The suggeM ion was made to write Continental^a letter requesting they change thW sign to read "Southlake Terminal" instead of "Grpaevine „ Terminal." Also that they patronize the new Southlake Post Office. Mayor Schell volunteered to write such letter. David Stewart submitted plans for a building containing 1500 sq.' floor space, the lot covering approximately 2 acres. Roger Baird mentioned the relocation of another building which will be a brick construction. 0 Motion made by Earl W'1 iams to change Mr. Austin from CL Marshall status to'~BS~out~hlake Police Department. And to authorize Mr. Austin to buy the police uniform and charge to the cit/,who will 04$2 0.00 per month. /z X~ per man tor purchase and mainten- ance of uniforms. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crumbaker and carried unanimously. Motion was made by Earl Williams to sehd check to Kibbler for office supplies. Motion was seconded by J. D. Cate. Motion carried. Check was approved for W. G. Kline for $55.00 and for Jay Carlile for $7.19. The matter of a city 'office was discussed and it was decided tha~911,, _ Mr. Moffat and Mr. Schell would draw up a rough e&blzm a of the building and submit it to Mesco showing the kind of building-desired ' The plans would be submitted to the city engineer. Landsegping the well site was discussed and the need for grading and having grass planted. Payments for water bills were discussed. It was agreed to charge a late charge of $1.00 to those customers paying after 10 days. If a customer's bill is unpaid 30 days after the 2nd meter reading water will be discon- nected and a charge of $2.00 to re-connect. The city will retain the M A ✓u/j ~s , /9~ ~ privilege of leniency for individual circumstances where good faith is shown. The council agreed to refund To," to Art Clifton. at F r= s 4 r r b e r M r F