1966-06-16 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTES ON FINAL INSPECTION AND LOAN CLOSING WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM June 16, 1966 '4J AM: Members of the City Council and Mayor Schell, along with representatives from the B. L. Nelson and Associates, Engineers, and E. L. Dalton Company, construction company, met with Mr. Roy Marris, County Supervisor, Farmers' Home Administration on the morning of June 16, 19669 The purpose of this meeting was to make a final inspection of the water system financed through a government loan of $350,000.00. Mr. Marris had been over the system on prior occasions, however, the entire area was 44 again checked and all areas of construction were found to be one hundred # per cent complete and the entire system one hundred per cent in operation. PM: Paul Schell, J. D. Cate, Jr., and Mrs. Irene Nelson, presented themselves at the office of Mr. Marris about 1:30 PM. on June 16, 1966. They had been asked to come in preparation of signing final papers on the water system and signing checks for the balance due to the various creditors in connection therewith. r,d Records were reviewed, balances checked, and all figures were in balance. „m After checks were issued for E. L. Dalton Company, B. L. Nelson and Associates, Layne-Texas Company, interest on the loan due August 1, 1966, it was found there was a balance of $15,855 in the construction account. Other items to be paid therefrom were balances due on legal fees, Nelson and Associates for J. J. Carlile services, etc. There would remain a considerable balance after these items were paid. Mayor Schell and Mr. Marris had engaged in conversation about the need for a city office building. Mr. Marris suggested that a plan be submitted for this office building and possibly the remaining funds could be utilized for part of the construction cost of such a building. For the record, the following figures reflect costs on the water system: I E. L. Dalton Company, all payments from the loan, $2749868.89 Layne Texas Company, " " 41,804.00 Legal fee-Robert Gladney, Ben McClure " " 3,116.66* balance due B. L. Nelson and Associates (1) from City 6,419.30 2 payments from Loan 13,181.07 19,600.37* " Land (Joe Fechtal-Stewart Title) paid by City 40582.45 Interest-Farmers' Home Administration - from loan 79109.38 " espectfully submitted, OA,04~~ P-ai-j-11 Si Sec etary Mayor