1966-06-07 Council Meeting r.r June 79, 1966 7:30 PM Mayor Schell opened the regular meeting of the Council of the City of Southlake. Answering roll call were councilmen W. H. Crumbaker, J. D. Cate, J. J. Carlile, J. L. Clow, Earl i$lliama. Also present were Ben McClure, H. N. Davis, Howard Moffat, Keller Austin, J. C. Wood, Sr., and J. C. mood, Jr. Mayor Schell suggested that the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. One correction was made in what had been recorded. This had to do with the area involved in "rock or grass" on the well-site land. Mayor Schell suggested that the secretary forward a copy of the recommendation made by the Zoning and Planning Commission to Mr. Robert McPherson. Keller Austin was asked if he had any problems of importance for attention of council. With a negative answer, Mr. Schell proceeded to the next item.. the matter of the J. C. Wood Trailer Court. At a special meeting, held on April 19, 1966, this matter had been discussed, 3 and the Zoning and Planning Commission had agreed that Mr. Wood should present a plat, drawn to scale, of the plans of his trailer installation, present and future. Later, in a special meeting held on May17, 1966, a motion had been +w approved by Council in regard to zoning for Mr. Wood. Now, at the regular meeting on June 7, 1966, Mr. Mood presented a plea for clarification of the meaning of the motion as it was adopted, and asked for deletion of portions thereof. Mayor Schell read the motion which had been made by Hari Williams, seconded by J. J. Carlile, and carried by unanimous vote, to-wits Council approves the 21 acres as shown on the plat submitted May 17, 1966 by Mr. J. C. Wood to be used for Trailer Park only by Mr. Wood, with a maximum of twelve trailers as shown on the plat. In the event operation of the original park is discontinued, or property sold, leased or any change of management, this entire tract will automatically revert back to single dwelling residential zoning. Mr. Wood asked that Council definitely state whether or not this zoning meant "commercial" and asked that sections pertaining to change of ownership, management, etc* be delft". After discussion, Mayor Schell read the motion with the deletions: Ask Council to approve the zoning of 21 acres as shown on the plat submitted May 17, 1966, by Mr. J. C. Wood, to be used for Trailer Park Only, with a maximum of twelve trailers as shown on the plat. In the event operation of original park is dis- continued, this entire tract will automatically revert back to single dwelling residential zoning. After much pro and con and question raised by Mr. Wood again and again as to commercial zoning, the amended motion was presented to council by notion of J. J. 40-P I Carlile, seconded by J. D. Cate. The vote on this amended notion carried three vow votes for (J. D. Cate, J. J. Carlile, W. H. Crumbaker) and two votes against ( Earl Williams, J. L. Clow). Mr. Wood was informed by Council and city attorney Ben McClure the motion meant zoning exactly as it was written and the city secretary was instructed to mail Mr. wood a copy of the notion at the earliest possible time. Page two - Council Meeting - June 79 1966 7:30 PM i Next came a report from Howard Moffat, Fire Marshal. He mentioned that the State Fireman's Training School would be held at A. and M. in Jly. That, if the City made the request, he felt his superiors at the Dallas Fire Department would arrange for him to take time to attend this training course. After general discussion, on motion of Earl Williams, seconded by J. L. Clow, Council approved payment of traveling expenses incurred by Mr. Moffat if he could arrange to attend the meeting. The secretary was instructed to hand him a letter confirming such action. Mr. H. N. (Bud) Davis requested a moment to inquire into the wisdom of the city obtaining some expert advice on planning before a great deal of the "strip" zoning had been accomplished. Discussion followed elicited several facts about the cost of a survey or analysis, which had been quoted at about $15,000 to Mayor Schell, and probable ways and means available for some help from Tri County Electric, Texas Power and Light, etc. Mr. David stated that the Land Department of the University of Texas had been allocated a grant and that it was entirely possible the City of Southlake could be included as a study for the department. He was presently going to be in Austin, he continued, and if the city felt he would help with inquiry, etc., he would be glad to devote some time as he and many others, of course, were deeply interested that Southlake be developed without the usual "blight" areas which had been the case in many small cities. Earl Williams stated that he, for one, would be delighted to have Mr. Davis bb serve as a committee of one in this connection. J. L. Clow quickly added that if that was a motion, he seconded, and councilmen present heartily agreed f that any facts developed by Mr. Davis would indeed be appreciated. The secretary at this time asked to introduce to Mayor Schell and Council members who did not know him, a young man who had slipped into the meeting after it had got underway. Mr. Jesse F. Cummins, she stated, who was there at the request and invitation of Mr. J. J. Carlile. Prior to the meeting, Mrs. Nelson had informed Mayor Schell that Mr. Cummins was likely available for the office of City Secretary. This office is appointive, however, Mayor Schell asked that a motion be made. After a short discussion, on motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by J. D. Cate, Mr. Cummins was unanimously approved for the position, at $50.00 per month, salary. Details were not outlined minutely, but it was understood by all concerned that he would serve as City Secretary, and as book-keeper-auditor of the records kept on the City of Southlake Water System. He was to obtain surety bond and be ready to assume all duties on Jly 5, 1966. In the meantime, he agreed to assist Mrs. Baird in recording the charges and collections on the water revenue accounts...as of the present time. Also, Mr. Cummins was to install the general ledger account book for the water system, information to be obtained from the memo accounts in the direct entry boon of the City of Southlake. A discussion came up regarding the supplies which Mr. Carlile would have to 1P buy in order to operate the well, to install new meters, maintenance items, etc. On motion of R. E. Williams, seconded by J. L. Clow, council approved J. J. Carlile as Purchasing Agent for said supplies. All pnnchases to be charged to City of Southlake Water System and payable on invoices OK'D by J. J. Carlile. No further business was transacted and meeting adjourned by mutual agreement. F Secretary