1966-05-03 4wL Meeting May 3, 1966 7:30 PM The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Southlake was held on Tuesday evening, May 3s 7230 PM at the city hall. 3 Mayor sehell opened the meeting and answering roll call were J. L. Clow, Earl Williams, J. J. Carlils, J. D. Cate, W. H. Crumbaker. Also present, were W. M. Guckian of the B. L. Nelson and Associates, John Chinn, Mr. and Mrs. George 3 Sehultse, W. C. Goodenough, Don Austin, Howard Moffat, D. C. McKee, J. P. Trueloves and Ben McClure. Mr. McKee was invited to state his business. As was known to all present, Mr. McBee was the owner and operator of a water well in the subdivision of Oak Knoll and had sold water se ce to the residents of the area for some years. 3 Mr. McKee requested the cit~ither purchase his well or allow his to continue operation (in duplication of service) with the city's newly installed water system. Mr. McKee's request brought on a lengthy question and answer session. Many remarks were interjected by certain of the visitors. Finally, Mr. Carlils, i water commission;,stated that he felt the city would derive little benefit told from the purchase of the well; this seemed to be general opinion of all the councilmen and was made firm when a similar opinion was expressed by Mr. Ouckian. On motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by J. L. Clow, the matter of Mr. McKee's well was tabled for a time in the near future. Mr. McKee was asked to present his proposal on paper at such meeting. A notice of a water operation school at Arlington was read. On motion of W. H. Crusbaker, seconded by Earl Williamms, it was agreed that Mr. Carlile should attend the sessions designated for water operation. Mayor Schell read a report from the Metropolitan Highway Commission. He appointed Mr. Roger Baird to reppesent the City of Southlake on this commission and stated he would so notify Mr. Baird. Mayor Schell remarked that a motion was not required for this appointment but that he would appreciate council's views. On motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by J. D. Cate, the appointment was approved. The matter of W. Art Clifton's subdivision and water installation was discussed. Mr. Carlile and W. M. Ouckian reported that Mr. Ray Marris of the FHA had instructed that the complete installation must be accomplished before any added contract 3 could be started. The subdivision installation, he continued, would constitute added contract obligations, therefore could not be undertaken at the present. Mr. Schell stated he would inform Mr. McPherson of the suggestion of the Zoning and Planning Commission that a fence be erected around the corner of his tile-concrete block operation. 3 The J. C. Wood tAdler court matter was again brought up for discussion. r page two - minutes of council meeting May 3, 1966, 7:30 PM► The secretary was instructed to notify Mr. Wood, immmediately, that a plat, drawn to scale, of the present and proposed trailer court facilities, should be presented immediately to council for consideration. Ales, a copy of the approval of the state and county health authorities, should be submitted along with the plat. These items were to be in the hands of Mayor Schell within two weeks time at the most. Mr. Wood was to be informed that the REA (Tri- County Electric Coop) would be notified to delay the cut-off of electric service until May 20, 1966. (Present date was may 5, 1966) After general discussion, the motion was made by J. L. Clow that Nr. Wood be so notified immediately., seconded by J. D. Cate, and carried. Next came a general discussion which concerned land around the well-site* op Whether or not crashed rock or grass should be put on the fenced area around the well and pump-house seemed to be the question. By common consent, the crushed rock, for the small fenced area, and "hot top" road from the well oat to Carroll Road, was approved. Ordinances fvsannexation of land owned by Tip Johnsonxis me read and approved on motion of R. E. Williams, seconded by W. ff. Crumbaker. The question came up as to whether land, now owned and occupied by Dwaine Petty, was actually in the City of Southlaks. The $50.00 deposit for a water tap had been made by Earl Page, former owner. After considerable debate, decision was made that this area was nominally a part of the city" and that the owner should be served from the system. tr Routine bills were approved for payment. J. D. Cate, J. L. Clow, and PP Earl Williams reviewed statements from Thompson Printing Company and Kibler Office Supply for purchases made for the water system; time spent on cards and mailing list by Mmes. Baird and Cummins, long distance phone calls from October, 1965, through March 1, 1966. The bills were approved and checks were written and signed by the mayor and secretary. W There was no farbher business abd meeting was adjourned by mutual consent. Ila .o c ary or r 6 op i -001' "Oll IK ~v s l~ uN ~1~ "I AZI-I F-T a a n