1966-03-28 ilk Special Meeting ally Ai City of Southlake, 7:30 PM March 28, 1966 In the absence of Mayor Paul Schell, Mayor Protem Earl Williams presided. Answering roll call were councilmen J. D. Cate, W. H. Crumbaker, J. L. Clow, J. J. Carlile. B. L. Nelson and R. J. O'Malley were present. The meeting had been called for specific purpose. 1. Letters of request from two residents of Southlake for release to be served from the Keller Urban Water Supply, a project under construction. The two residents being Lewis H. Brown and Rufus welch, both of whom live in the extreme west portion of the City of Southlake and who are adjacent to the Keller Water District at the easterly line. After general discussion, on motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by J. D. Cate, the request for release was granted. The secretary was A instructed to notify the interested parties that the release reflected only the present situation--water service.-and did not release the residents from other city ordinances; that said release applied only SAW to them, specifically, and did not constitute authority for the Keller System to serve other areas of Southlake. 2. It was known to all present that the primary purpose of the meeting was to hear a report from B. L. Nelson and Associates in regard to the feasibility of a municipally owned and operated gas system. Mr. Williams asked Mr. R. J. O'Malley to proceed with this report. A brochure was handed to the councilmen and the data included therein was discussed. After a lengthy question and answer period, J. J. Carlile made a motion that the engineers make application for a government loan for the installation of such a system. The lending agency was indicated to be known as the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This 'a motion was seconded by J. D. Cate and carried. Several papers (instruments) in conndection with the application had been prepared by Mr. O'Malley and were s;gned at this meeting. Council authority for Mayor Williams to sign as Mayor ProTem; authorization to employ Dumas, Hugenin and Boothman, as bond attorneys, on basis of their letter dated March 24, 1966. Both authorisations.-for acting Mayor Earl Williams to sign as Mayor +ai ProTem and bond attorneys---were included in the motion made by J. L. Clow, seconded by J. D. Cate, which carried* Next came discussion on whether or not Mr. Ben McClure would be available to serve as city attorney in connection with the gas project (as he had in the water construction.) Ali r page two-specially called meeting for gas system, etc. March 28, 1966 7:30 FM Ob Mayr ProTem Earl Williams, presiding o. This was not made in a motion as it was the unanimous decision of the council- men that Mr. McClure, if available, should serve with the bond attorneys. J. D. Cate made the motion that B. L. Nelson and Associates should be hired as engineers for the gas system--if and when--the proposed installation of a city-owned system became possible. J. L. Clow seconded the motion, which xP carried, and a contract-agreement was signed. lily Acting Mayor Williams asked Mr. Nelson to prepare a letter to Mr. Roy Marris or of the Farmers' Home Administration,. This would be a request for kk the funds which had been designated to be drawn from the construction loan to reimburse the city for money spent on the water project. Mr. Nilson,- pr agreed this should be done and that such a letter, stating the exaci I money involved, would be forwarded to Mr. Marris at an early time. Pros and cons and ways and means relating to the possibility of natural gas PW for the community were discussed at length. One of the interesting features was that all of the residents, whether in the "city" or not, which were easily accessible to the gas line, could be served. The fee for "tying" in was to „ be only $16.00 for deposit, and $6.00 of this amount would be directed to gas "SERVICE" when the system went into operation. It was generally conceded by one and all present that the idea was good. No further business was transacted and by mutual agreement, the meeting was !a adjourned. /JZ Earl Williams, Mayor Secretary ProTem I w