City of Southlake
Special Meeting
January 10, 1966
Mayor Schell opened the meeting and answering roll call were
Councilmen J. D. Cate, Earl Williams, W. H. Crumbaker, J. J.
Carlile and J. L. Clow. There were several visitors present,
and it was known that the purpose of the meeting was for discussion
of the easements which the city was seeking for installation of
water lines on private property. This was to prevent future
involvement with the Texas State Highway Department on Highway 114.
Mayor Schell explained in detail what the Council hoped for. He
then turned the meeting over to Micky Guckian of the Engineers
who asked each property owner, in order of their appearance at
the meeting, to come forward and have the easement explained.
This was all carried out with efficiency and dispatch, and
Council thanked the property owners for their time and cooper-
Mayor Schell then asked Council to consider themselves in a
business meeting. The matter of membership in the North Central
Texas Council of Governments was at hand. Actually, the mat-
ter centered around a mutual agreement for the formation of such
a Council, and the City of Southlake had been invited to become
one of the charter cities agreeing; to form such a Council. After
general discussion, the motion was made by Earl Williams, seconded
by J. D. Cate, that the city should become a member and pay the
dues of $25.00 annually. Motion carried and the secretary was
instructed to copy the ordinance included in the information
packet and forward this and the check by the 20th of January,
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Progress on organization o the fire department was discussed. met?
The meeting officially adjourned at 10:00 p.m. by mutual consent.
Secretary Mayor