1966-01-04 t a City of Southlake Council Meeting January 4, 1966 Mayor Paul Schell opened the meeting. Answering roll were Councilmen J. D. Cate, Earl Williams, J. J. Carlile. Mr. W. C. Casparis of the REA and an associate, Bill Nelson, and Micky Guckian of the Engineering firm were present. J. P. Truelove represented E. L. Dalton Company, construction company for the water system.. Visitors from the community were Mr. Irving Mason, W. J. Goodell, Jack Weddle and J. R. Tate. Mr. McClure, City Attorney, had informed the secretary in ad- vance of the meeting that he could not attend because of ill- ness. Mayor Schell asked Mr. Casparis to take the floor and explain and discuss the whys and wherefores of why his company should continue electric service to a resident who was operating in violation of the city's rules and regulations. Mr. Casparis outlLned briefly what would be required in the way of a city ordinance before the electric company could deny service to a user. Mr. Casparis explained that his company was willing, in any way to cooperate with the city, but that also, the company must be protected by statute requiring any denial of electric service in the area. After general discussion, a motion was made by Earl Williams, seconded by J. D. Cate, that Mr. McClure should prepare such an ordinance at the earliest possible time. This motion carried. Mention was made that the ordinance would have to be published in the Grapevine Sun, and the secretary was instructed to have this done upon receipt of the ordinance. The men from REA thanked Council for their cooperation and de- parted. Next J. P. Truelove answered some questions regarding the pipe which had been placed in readiness along the various roads. It was sugested that some sort of warning lanterns be placed in ' certain areas co make this pipe plainly visible to night drivers. January 4, 1966` Page 2. 6 Next came a discussion led by B. L. Nelson as to the immediate !r employment of Mr. J. J. Carlile in the capacity of inspector for the Engineers. The salary was to be $200.00 per month plus $50.00 per month for the use of Mr. Carlile's pick-up. He was to begin this job on January 10, 1966, and work directly under the Engineers for the present time. Discussion included the need for sufficient space to be erected for storage of extra meters, for cleaning same, and for general repairs in the future. No action was taken. During this interim of time, Micky Guckian of the Engineers explained to Council that he planned a map by PLOT for the city to have for use in locating the residents of the area. In order to be serviceable, the pap would have to be kept up to date as to changes of ownership, new houses added, etc. All the members present were impressed and agreed that it was a very fine start toward what they hoped to achieve in the way of permanent records of the area. The financial report of the year 1965 was read and approved. Routine bills were approved for payment and an additional $14.6U was approved for the postage on the bonds from the printer to the First National Bank of Grapevine. Mention was made that a date had again been set for the closing of the loan January 12, 1966. On motion of J. D. Cate, seconded by Earl Williams, the secretary was instructed to obtain a mail box from the new Southlake Post Office and to buy sufficient envelopes to mail a letter which the Engineers feel should be sent to the water customers. This letter would include a pro6mss report, ask for markings to indi- cate the point the owner preferred the meter installed, etc. Mr. Cate included this in his motion, and Mr. Williams seconded. Motion carried. The Texas Power and Light Company had submitted a contract for the electricity to be used in operating the well. Mr. Nelson asked that he be allowed to contact the light company before this contract was signed. The matter was left in his hands for future action. J. D. Cate made the motion that the contract be signed when corrected. Earl Williams seconded and motion +i carried. January 4, 1966 Page 3. General discussion ensued on various problems of the visitors present. These were dispensed with, and then'Mayor Schell asked Mr. Tate to consider heading a committee to be known as Town Hall which should be a forum to be held at various times at which times the people of the community could express their ideas and opinions on what the community's most urgent needs might be. f~ese n l~- e ~t needs has already been developing with treat success. A volunteer fire department for the area has been organized. Howard Moffat has accepted the position of chief, Councilman W. H. Crumbaker, assistant chief, and Jack Johnson, school superintendent, secretary. These men had offers of materials, labor and money donations to be used when the proper time comes. I Mayor Schell and the Council commended those "back" of this pro- ,sect and agreed the city should support the cause in any way possible. John Tate accepted the chairmanship of the civic committee. Mr. Nelson made several suggestions along the same line for future l development: gas system, municipally owned and operated, sewage system. He pointed out that government lending agencies now had funds available for such planning, which would have to be paid ONLY when and if the plans materialized. The important thing, Nelson stated, that the city should make the survey and be ready when the loan tunds became available. There is a waiting period, he stated. (This provoked a treat deal of mirth because of the tremendously long time it has taken to get the water program to even a near reality.) But he said the loan funds were allocated in periods (dates unknown) to the municipality which had its plans complete and ready. Only then would the money used in the preparation of said plans have to be repaid, and this could be done on the same line as the water program had been. The idea met with warm reception from the members of Council and visitors present. It was agreed that some thought should be given to future developments along this line. Mr. Nelson pro- mised to bring more information at a later date. The meeting was unanimously adjourned. a Secretary Mayor ~s "0 M. ORDINANCE NO.1 1- ~i AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT A VIOLATION FOR ANY FIRM, PERSON OR CORPORATION MOLDING A FRANCHISE FROM THE CITY OF SOUTHLAIM, TEXAS. OR DOING BUSINESS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS Of SAID CITY TO SUPPLY SERVICES AND/OR WARES TO ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION WHO 18 OPERATING A BUSINESS OR IS SITUATED IN SAID CITY IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCES OR ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE SAID CITY OF SOUTHLAIM, TEXAS. WHEREAS, in the beat interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Southlake, Texas, the City Council deems it advisable to enact the following ordinances NOW,TKEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 1 That any firm, person or corporation holding a franchise from the city of Southlake, Texas, or doing business within the city limits 40 of said city shall not supply services or wares to any person, firm or corporation that is existing or operating in violation of any City of Southlake zoning ordinance or any other ordinance of said city. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanors and that person, firm or corporation, or an employee, agent, manager or officer thereof, who is guilty of violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof be fined in an amount not to exceed $200.00 for each offense. Each day that the violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense. 3. The City of Southlake shall give any person, firm or corporation, deemed to be in violation of this ordinance, ten (10) days written notice to correct or abate said violation before issuing a citation. 4. w..v: If any portion of this ordinance shall be declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, such portion declared to be invalid or unconstitutional shall not affect the remaining portions of the Ordinance. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage. ADOPTED thin day of January, 1966. APPROVED s , MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY k w.