1965-12-07 City of Southlake Council Meeting December 7, 1965 7:30 P.M. ivlayor Paul Schell opened the meetin-,. Answering roll call were J. U. Cate, J. J. Carlile, J. L. C1oTi, i. H. Crumbaker, Eurl Williams. Also present were H. A. hunter, keller Austin, Marcus ~4ayland, Jim W.- nfrey and Ben McClure, City tittorney. 1 rlayor Schell asked Mr. McClure ~:o present his business. A s Late ment Y..or : 331 . A from helm Prin tin Compan=y for bonds and 'ZI seal was presented and approved for payment on motion of Earl ' Williams, seconded by J. J. Carlile. Also, Ordinance No. 135, wherein the name Town of Southlake" 1 was now amended to be ``City of Southlake'~. Althou h this change had been approved on November 22, 1965, Earl Williams made the motion to accept this ordinance as written, seconded by J. L. ' Clow, and motion carried. A lengthy discussion followed with few answers to the problem the J. C. Wood Trailer Court. i',Ir. Casparis has shown tlirou-h his conversations with Mr. McClure via telephone that the REA could not be of help in enforcing the city's complaint that 14r. Wood was operating without a permit and therefore should not be allowed to continue the use of electricity. ' No solution to the problem was obtained at this time. Next came a discussion of the progress the interested persons were making toward organizing; a City Fire Department. Jim Winfrey reported on several meetings which had had good attendance and great interest and evidences of financial support, donated labor and materials. Routine bills were approved for payment, and also a bill from Circle Communications for repairs to Keller Austin's (marshal) car radio. Donation to Carroll P.T.A. was approved for $25.00. This was done on motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by J. D. Cate. December % 1965 Page 2. Discussion followed in regard to appointment of J. J. Carlile as water commissioner. On motion of J. D. Cate, seconded by Earl Williams, this was done. Mr. Carlile accepted the appointment. His first term of employment will be under the direction of the Engineers B. L. Nelson and Associates. The date of this start- ing period was not determined at the present conference. The secretary again suggested that someone be sought to replace her. The name of Mrs. Betty (Stanley) Burney was suggested by Mayor Schell. Council voted that the job should have at least 20 hours per week at $1.50 per hour for the first period of employment after the water billing begins. It would remain an open matter until the work was evaluated as to how many hours would be required, etc. Inasmuch as the city attorney stated that the City Secretary would have to be a resident of the city, the matter was again postponed until such time that Mrs. Burney and her husband could make a decision on coming into the city limits by annexation. It was judged they were eligible for such annexation. James Winfrey presented the plat for the Southlake Gardens Sub- division. After general discussion, Council decided that all requirements had been met in regard to the city's ordinances controlling subdivisions. The plans were approved with one pro- vision that all the area in the city is designated as resi- dential as is recited in the ordinances therefor and that before the owners of Southlake Gardens Subdivision should use the tract designated on its plat as 'commercial'", the City Council must have previously approved the re-zoning of this portion of the subdivision. In other words, there can be no commercial use of the area except with the city's permission. Alter general discussion of this provision, J. J. Carlile made the motion to approve the plat, J. D. Cate seconded, and motion carried. Mayor Schell presented several items for information to Council: A. C. Stone had offered acreage from his recently purchased George Harmon place for the purpose of a City Hall. Council appreciated this gesture, but since the location is definitely not in tLie center of the area, such proffer was declined. After b Yr December 1965 Page 3. eneral discussion, on motion of Earl Williams, seconded by J. D. Cate, Council voted to seriously consider this proposal or any proposal made hereafter, of any donation of lands for public recreational facilities to be used by the residents of the in- corporated area or to serve the needs of the City as a whole. Council and any other administrative bodies of the city must throuvh investigation and discussion find the pleasure of the community in establishing such facility in other words, the rule for the people, by the people, etc., must be considered before acceptin- any gifts of land. Mayor Schell also brought up the matter of a future Chamber of Commerce. This had been a suggestion made to him by one or more citizens of the community".' ommunity. On motion of J. D. Cate, seconded by W. H. Crumbaker, any such formation of a Chamber of Commerce at the present time would be tabled, but when and if the time seemed appropriate, the matter would certainly have the approval and support of the Council. This motion carried. Mayor Schell also offered for discussion the probability of a Town Hall Committee. He discussed a few possibilities of how such a group could serve the community by Navin; open (:forum) meetin;s. John R. Tate was su ested as a good leader for this by Mayor Schell, and Council unanimously approved his suggestion. Mayor Schell was asked to contact Mr. Tate in this regard. Nm., f to General discussion ensued as to/Ibest prepare for the growth in the area which seems inevitable due to the airport plans. By common consent, the meeting adjourned. Secretary Mayor r Vol ORDZNMCS NO. 135 A aRDINArCR CIglb ZNG TAR flow FM .r TS T or SQuJ'oL11 e . "mS _ TO "a Cxty 610 8®aiLSS~, 'P1S- N 1S, Title 3849 Chapter ilv Article 1153as Sections l rb and a of- tbe_bevised Civil_Statutes of Tema►s grants to amy tom in this stale which has been daly and legally created mador the lags OW relating to, cities and tvsos* and which has adopted the provisions ab of Title so# Revised civil Statutes of Tutor, an a Ift dIV the right by ordinance passed by the gewrniny body of such loon to r Change its designation from Too~n to City$ and furtber to issue In ift the now of such city as dos grated any bonds *Mob haw been voted by such torus and which beads are unissued prior to the r Change of designation. 66 N M# T 'OSX# HZ IT ORDilUM By TSi COHN CIL OF Tali TOW •W air WWWWAI X'%=So 1• 00 'SIT by virtue of the above authority the To of Southlaka6 mars shall be henceforth knoon as and designated- as the city of Southlake, 2exas• 66 PW 2• ift 'fia? the $ 350*000 water Revenue Bonds voted by Southlake and ~ which bonds are unissued shall be Issued in the now of the city of soothlakas 2 ma. 1• This ordinance 4611 became effeat w and be in full forty A. and affect upon its adoption as by Um provided. AD 2=S DAY aE~ o • Wis. r~ r~~1\~~rrt lr~~rqr / ~ MAYOR Ai XSTS OMAR