1965-11-22 I City of Southlake Special Meeting November 22, 1965 8:00 P.M. Mayor Schell opened the special meeting which had been called for the purpose of considering amendments in instruments previously signed by Council in connection with the water loan. Mr. Bob Gladney, bond attorney, had requested the meeting and immediately upon his arrival, Mayor Schell turned the meeting over to him. Mr. Gladney called for roll call of Councilmen. Answering roll call were W. H. Crumbaker, J. D. Cate, Earl Williams, J. J. Carlile. J. L. Clow was not present, and Mr. Gladney left a paper for Mr. Clow to sign which would evidence his approval or disapproval of the business transacted upon this occasion. The secretary was instructed to obtain this signature and mail it promptly to Mr. Gladney. (Note: This was done and Mr. Clow approved the action of Council. Nelson.) Mr. GladneY read the changes which the loan agencY required. 0 The bonds had to be registered bonds and sections 6, 7 and 8 of the original writing had to be worded differently. However, no change in meaning was involved. Mr. Gladney informed Council that the loan agency preferred that the City deal be changed to read City of Southlake rather than Town of Southlake. The Articles of Incorporation read 'Town of Southlake''. No specific reason was given for this re- quest, and Mr. Gladney was asked to inquire into why this should be changed. Councilman J. Cato made a motion re~--ardz'n- these changes in m ~ two parts: first, that the Council approve the changes re- quested in the wording of the instruments; second, that if the agency required the chane in the seal which was to be super- imposed on the printed bonds, that Council approve such change at this meeting. The motion was discussed, seconded by J. J. Carlile, and carried. Mr. Gladney further informed Council that the loan agency re- quired a specific kind of paper for printing the bonds and that November 22, 1965 Page 2. the Helm Company would have to increase their first quotation of $262.50 to cover this extra cost. Mr. Cate made a motion to accept this change in cost, and to include the cost of the new seal, if it were required. J. J. Carlile seconded and motion carried. After concluding his business, Mr. Gladney thanked Council and , left the meeting. Mayor Schell then called the meeting to order to present certain items to the attention of Council. First was annexation ordinance no. 136 and no. 137 from Art B. Clifton and wife, and Clifco, Inc. for land known to Council as the Reifschneider place. Each ordinance and petition being complete as to description., etc., J. J. Carlile made the motion to approve the requests for annexation. W. H. Crumbaker , seconded the motion, which carried. The water program, generally, was discussed, as was the need for a traffic light, etc. The City Secretary interjected a topic of discussion which re- lated to her definite decision to resign. The city's business was rapidly expanding into a time consuming job, and the future water billing and collecting had to be planned for. Mrs. Nelson felt that the City Secretary position and the Water Program clerical work could be combined, and therefore, create compen- sable employment for one person. Council agreed that the idea had merit, and a general discussion followed, but no formal action was taken. By general agreement, the meeting was adjourned. Jtx~ / PaAj O-e. Secretary Mayor ORDINANCE NO. / 3 b AN ORDjNANCz . CEIVING AND ANNZ TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN QJ' SOUTH- LAKE, T USt PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHALT. BECOMZ A PART OF SAM TOWN AND THAT THE OWNER$ AND INHABITANTS THEREOF WALL St ?ENTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILEGES Or THE OTHER TIZZNS -OF SAM TOWN, Al BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCE$ NOW IN `FECT AND TO RE HEREIi~IAF'TER A PTm. rURTHZR PROVIDING FOR A LENDING AND comm ma THE Cfli'FICIA.L BOUNDARIES OF SAID TOWN AS HZRETGIrORZ ADOPTED AS A3tENIBICD* AND PROVIDING FOR AN ZFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953. 53rd Legis- lators, Page 357, Chapter 93, Codified as Article 974-0 Revised Civil Statutes f..: of Texas, Art I'1, CU , on and WIfe, Billie Clifton, owners of the real property herein ft* described :having application as by law provided to the Mayor and Torwm~ Council of the Tows of outhlaks. Texas, for annexation of a tract of " x land out of the J. N., Gibson Surveir, Tarrant C umtyg, Toxas, as followst REQINNINQ at as iron pin in the center of the Union Church Road, said road being also known as the County Roved #3041 and said hoar pin being -tthe S. W. Corner of a 5 aore tract conveyed by A. 0. Brun%14 and wife, Etta to J. T. Williams and wife, Enun&, Larch 24, 1945 as recorded in Volume 1717, Pa#: 334 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THL14CE South in the center line of said Union Burch Rosai, being also County Road #3041 to the Northly R. 0. W. line of the St. Louis & South- western R. R.; THENCE along a curve to the right that has a central angle of I1 degrees, 58' a radius of 3, 347.6 ft. , to an iron pin, being the point of tangency of ' said curved THENCE S. bb degrees. 25' W. 610,. 0 ft. to a point in the Northerly R. Q. W. lino of the t. Louis & Southwestern R. R. sand the center line of Big .Bear Creek; t" THENCE N. 19 degrees, 15' West 397, 5 ft# along the center 1i»e of Big Bear Creek; THENCE leaving Big Bear Creek and following the Wert line of a dry creek bed the "owning calls and distaua ost N. 39 degree* "I E. 187. $ feet; ' N. 45 degrees 231 W. 108.5 feet; N. 08 degrees III E. 326. 7 feet; N. 21 dep"s 491 E. 130. 5 feet; N. 36 degrees 18' W. 318, 0 feet; S. 53 degrees 15' W. 83.9 foot; N. 21 degrees 401 W. 244.2 feet; N. 67 degrees 294 Z. 61.4 feed N. 1$ degirees 48' W. 244.7 feeti N. 77 degrees $8' E. 65.7 feet; N. 23 degrees 101 R. 180.4 feet; THENCS S. 89 degrees 50' R. 1,118.9 Feet to an ivoa pia in the center line of Union Church Road. being also known as County Road #3841, the point of >SZOINMO. A plat of said land showi=ng its location with respect to the To~arn of goethlerke. Texas, is attached hereto mark*d ZXHIBIT "All; sad WHRREAS, it appearing to the Town Council of the Tow of Sovathlake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in connection with said proposed annex- ation have boon Adfilled and that the above described aarea is not more than 1 /2 mile in wlidth* that not more than three qualified enters reside thereons, and that the same .is adjacent to the present City Limits of the T of,Sonthlake, Tox asi BE IT QRDAINZD BY THZ TOWN COUNCIL OF TKX TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, 1 TEXASs THAT# the property hereinabovo described being adj",eutj, and contiguous to the Town Limits of Sxeathlake, Texas, be avA is hereby annexed axed brought within the Corporate Limits of said Tom andt is hereby made as integral part thereof, 2. r THATs the owners and inhabitants of the aarea herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citisons and property owners of said Towns and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto, now is fall force and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. 'T'HAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Soathlaks. Texas. as heretofore adopted and o m ended. be and is hereby amended soas to include the aforementioned territory was past of the Town of Southlake, Texas. 4. ' THAT, this ordinance shall become effective and be is fvll farce and offset froma and attar Its pos"So and approval by th* Mayor sd 4oty a#*sted i by they 'Peen Srereetary. ADOPTED this 2 .y o~ ~ . 19b~. "PROVED: La:: 0- L MAYOR ' ATT Ts To SZCRJC I I I, L_J-16.1TLar-~,__...c L~ . fff r 4 'a a pp r r P1 -ml~ 41, r i~ i ✓ 4 , r f ORDINANCE NO. 45 1 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTH- LAKE, TEXAS: PROVIDING T14AT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOME A PART OF SAID TOWN AND THAT THE OWNERS AND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF THE OTHER CITIZENS OF SAID TOWN, AND BE BOUND BY THE ACT$ AND ORDINANCES NOW IN EFFECT AND TO BE HEREINAFTER ADOPTED: FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AMENDING AND CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID TOWN AS HERETOFORE ADOPTED AS AMENDED, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53rd Legis- lature, Page 557, Chapter 93, Codified as Article 974-G Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. Clifco, Inc.. a Texas corporation, owner of the real property herein. after described having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and Tow* Council of the Town of Southiake, Texas, for annexation of a tract of land out of the J. N. Gibson Surrey and the H. Decker Survey, Tarrant County. Texas, as follows: BEGINNING at an irate pin In the West line of the H. Decker Surrey and the East line of the I ftson Survey. said point being Z, 660.4 feet N. of the S. E. Corner of the J. N. Gibson Survey, said point being also the N. W. Corner of Tract #1 conveyed by W. E. Guest to H. W. Reifsebneider et ux Nora. Septeraebo r 1956 recorded is Volume 3035, rage 469 of the ,r deed Records Tarrant County, Texas and being the S. E. Corner of a 5 acre tract conveyed by A. 0. Brumlow et ux Etta to J. T. Williams et tax Emma, March 24. 1945 as recorded in Volume 1717, page 334 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County. Texas; THENCE S. 89 degrees 170 E. 1, 330.8 feet to as axle for corner; THENCE S. 00 degrees, It!' E. 43. 1 loot to an iron pin, the Northly R. €li W. line of the St. Louis & Southwestern R. R.; . THENCE S. 54 degrees ZII W. 1.935. 3 feet along the Northerly R. 0. W. line of tbo beginning of a curvoi THENCE along a curve to the right that has a central angle of 1 i degrees. 58' a radius of 3,347.6 foot. approximately 200 feet to the center of the Union Church Road, area being known as County Road #3441, THENCE Northly along the center line of said road, past the S. W. Corner of the tract of land conveyed by A. 0. Bruxulow et ux to J. T. Williams. M"ch 24. 1945, as recorded in Volumo 1117, page 334 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County. Texas to an iron pin, said iron pin being the N. W. corner of the tract conveyed by A. 0. Hrumlow and wife to J. T. Williams. THENCE; Last 617.3 foot to an iron pin for cornor, said corner being the N. E. corner of the said 5 scro tract conveyed by A. 0. Brumlcew to J. T. Williams of ux; THENCE South 573.6 foot to the point of BEGINNING. A plat of said laud showing its location with respect to the Tow of Southlake, Texas is attached hereto marked EXIT "All; and WHERZAS. it appearing to the Town Cmmcil of the Town of Southlake, Toxas, that all statutory requirements In connection with said proposed agnsx• ation have been &Ifillod and that the above described area is not tzRo" than I /Z mile is width# that not more than throe qualified voters reside thereon, and that the *am* is adjacent to the present City Limits of the Town of South- lake, Texas; BE IT ORDAINED li Y THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: THAT, the property horeinabovo described being adjacent, and contiguous to the Towee Limits of Soeithlake, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought ~ within the Corporate Limits of said Town and is hereby made an Integral ;part thereof. 2. THAT, the owners and inbabitants of the area herein ansexod be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property owners of said Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordinAnc*s Hoods is conformity the rot*, now in full force and offset and that which may be hereafter adopted. 3. THAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Southlake, Texas, awe heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforemontio►nod territory as part of the Town of Southloake, Texas. 4. THAT, this ordinance shall become effective and be in fall force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor axed duly attested by the Town Secretary. . ..mss*w«r..v.. ADOPTED this APPROVED: r 1 41 MAYOR io ATT $T: 1, TOWN SECRETARY ~r r 40 s r EXHIBIT ''A 35Q i