1965-11-02 City of Southlake Council Meeting November 2, 1965 ' 7:30 P.M. Mayor Paul Schell called the meeting to order. There were several visitors present besides the members of Council and committees. Councilmen J. J. Carlile, Earl Williams, J. D. Cate, W. H. Crumbaker and J. L. Clow answered roll call. Mayor Schell stated he would take up a few items of old busi- ness first. Mr. Carlile gave a favorable report on Mr. Dick Lewis' evidence of willingness to cooperate in the matter of cutting the roads for the water lines. He also informed Mr. Carlile that the County would furnish the highway speed limit signs. Mr. Carlile reported that he had told Mr. Lewis the Council would hold J. P. Truelove of the E. L. Dalton Company ' and B. L. Nelson, engineer, personally responsible for seeing that all roads would be put back in good condition. 1 Next several matters came up for discussion upon which no action was taken: the Woods' Trailer Camp; investigation from the Texas Water Commission regarding riparian rights in local and nearby reservoirs. Mayor Schell suggested that the Texas Municipal League might have some good suggestions to make in regard to future zoning and planning for the city. W. H. Crumbaker made a motion, seconded by J. D. Cate, that the secretary write for information; ' that the city should pay the necessary fee to become a member of this organization in order to obtain the help it is qualified to give. The address given was Texas Municipal League, c/o Steve Mathews, 402 Vaughn Building, Austin, Texas. Mayor Schell stated further along these lines of planning that he felt he could have Mr. James Good of Dallas meet with the Council in private session and discuss future planning. A date was set for this meeting and Mayor Schell stated he would contact all concerned. J. L. Clow made the motion that this meeting; be closed to visitors, J. D. Cate seconded, motion carried. November 2, 1965 Page 2. In discussion of the need in the near future of a water commissioner, it was suggested that B. L. Nelson should be asked to outline the , duties of this office. Also, he was to be asked to name a system of like proportions, where interested parties could go on the job and learn a few details of the operation. J. J. Carlile was specifically mentioned as a good prospect for this position. The need of a pick-up owned by the city was discussed. However, no action was taken on the matter, nor was it decided conclusively , that the job would be divided into two categories: the actual maintenance, trouble-shooting, reading of meters on one job; the billing and collecting on another. I Mr. Art Clifton informed Council that a volunteer fire department was in process of being organized. He stated that the committee was composed of H. N. Davis, Bennie Burris, Roger Baird, Jim Winfrey, Howard Thrasher, Howard Moffatt, and that J. C. Greener of the Grapevine Fire Department had been contacted for infor- mation. Earl Williams made a motion that Council back this pro- ject in any way possible, J. L. Clow seconded, motion carried. W. H. Crumbaker made a motion to adjourn which was unanimously approved. Secretary Mayor