1965-10-05 C:Lty olf Southlake Cot)nci I Meet-in:,, October 5, 11065 i:3C P.H. ' rlayor Paul Schell opened the meeting; and answerin- roll call were Councilmen Earl ti _11ia;z~, J. D. Cate, J. J. Carlile, wu. 11. Crui baker. Keller Austin, : it. marshal, was present, as ,ell as members o_= various council coruiii-L--ces : Henry Ridin, s , J. R. Tate, Frank Croy. Guests ucre L irce entlemen from Keller, William S. Foreman, Robert Black, ',,lendle Berry. Others were ' James Winfrey and Art B. Clip ton, Ii. N. Davis and C. E. Cheatham of the community. Hickey Guckian of the B. L. Nelson and [associate EnJineering firm was present representing the engineers on the water program. Mayor Schell asked the gentlemen from Keller to state their business. It had to do with questions in regard to the water program how to proceed, etc. Consider- able tirae was given to a question and answer session and the visitors were pleased with the information gained. After thank- ing the Councilmen and Mayor Schell and Mr. Guckian for the ' helpful uggestioias, these men left the meeting. Aft B. Clifton next presented his plans and restrictions for a ' proposed subdivision in which he plans to be an exclusive resi- dential area. Mr. Clifton informed Council that he as an attorney was writing his own legal paper in regard to restrictions and that these would go beyond the city's requirements as related to square footage of living, area, outbuildings, °type.of,construction, animals kept, etc., etc. He further stated that he expeet_ed-to maintain a committee at all times to be known as an approving committee, and which would be composed of members of his *staff and a possible member of the Council or committeeman. This body would check and approve all plans for construction in the area; see that the Buildings complied with required set-back specifi- ' cations, fences in right place, etc., etc. He explained that a sewage system would be prohibitive because of the cost and that all s=eptic tanks would have to qualify under state sanitation regulations as well as any local mandates. Mr. Clifton then outlined briefly the type of streets, paving, curbing, etc. that he planned to install in fact, was in the process of installing at the moment. Mr. Clifton closed his presentation with the statement that his plans had been approved by the zoning and planning commission. ~1 October 5, 1965 Page 2. ~ ! Mayor Schell asked for a discussion of the proposal then amended his statement to ask for a report from the Zoning and 1 Planning Committee. Henry Ridings, as secretary, was asked to give this report in the absence of G. W. Hargadine, chairman. Mr. Ridings stated that the committee had not actually met but ' had merely talked at random with Mr. Hargadine about the pro- posed addition. That there seemed to be no valid reason why the plan should not be approved, but again stated that the committee , had actually had no meeting and general discussion. Mr. Croy, also a member of the committee, suggested that Council proceed and make a decision in light of Mr. Clifton's urgency. I J. J. Carlile, senior Councilman, suggested that he felt the specifications of the proposed paving and curbing and guttering i should be reviewed to see that these complied with city re- quirements. Mr. Carlile sug ested that action be postponed , until Mr. Clifton and the Zoning and Planning Commission should have time to meet and peruse the plans and specifications. There was actually no motion to this effect; however, by tacit agreement this matter was tabled and the meeting proceeded. Mr. ' Clifton again requested information as to the cost of water taps for his subdivision and three fire hydrants. Mr. Carlile sug- Bested that the fire hydrants might be obtained at the price t which had been in effect $1§0.00 but that the engineer should give a cost estimate on the taps under consideration 37. Mr. Guckian assured Council that he would submit such an estimate as early as the following day and the matter was again by tacit agreement tabled for the time being. , Many other matters came up for discussion: 1. The proposed Post Office for Southlake. Mr. Tom Stephens , notified the secretary that bids had been posted in the stores in Southlake. Mr. Clifton informed the Council that he knew of two bids which had been submitted. On motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by Fart Williams, Council voted to endorse the establish- ment of said sub-station. ' 2. Steve Strange of the FOUR-H Club in Carroll School had asked Mayor Schell if there was any kind of community service that his group could render. Mayor Schell asked for suggestions and Mr. Clifton suggested a census of Southlake would be a worthwhile project for the group. Another suggestion was that the boys ' could assist in installin- traffic signs within the city limits. Mayor Schell stated he would contact the boys in this regard. ' October 5, 1965 Page 3. 3. Traffic signs were again discussed. Mr. Clifton gave an ' enlightening report of his traffic survey at the corner of Carroll Road and Highway 114. He stated that he had been in contact with the right authorities who had promised immediate ' attention to the installation of a warning light at this inter- section. Mr. Clifton further stated that a letter from the City was vital to obtaining this installation. On motion of J. D. 1 Cate, seconded by J. J. Carlile, the secretary was instructed to write this letter at the earliest possible time, which carried. 4. A discussion on whether or not to fence the well site area immediately or aaait the time of completion of the drilling ended with the matter tabled for the Lime being. 5. The secretary was instructed to write the Texas Power and Light Company, in care of Dick Gardemal, to request electric ' service for the well. 6. J. J. Carlile was delegated to contact Dick Lewis, Commissioner ' of Precinct 3 in regard to cutting into roads wherever it was necessary for the installation of the water lines. Mr. Clifton engaged the Council in a lengthy and informative discussion on the necessity to :inquire into the validity of the incorporation of the city; he outlined his proposal to seek re- lease on readings by Hurst on several pieces of property which he had purchased as well as property owned by others in the community who had never been interested in becoming a part of ' Southlake prior to this time. He agreed that he would contact the large oil companies ir3io occupy sections of land not in 3outhlake i o ascertain wt e`L-her or riot they were interested in ' annexa is ion . Routine bills were approved for payment and also a check was ' issued -rori the water corporation to the city to reimburse the citw for expenses related to the transaction of water proram business. the meeting was adjourned. By common consenL at 11:30 p.m., Secretary Ma or l, i