1965-09-16 City o 6outhlai.e Council ileetin- September 1E, 1965 '7:30 F.A. 'fhe meeting was opened by ,Mayor Schell. Answering roll call were J. J. Carlile, J. L. Clow, J. D. Cate, Earl Williams. Also present were john R. Tate, Frank. Denton, H. M. hunter, is. B. Lee, eli.er Austin, Ben McClure. Dr. Frank .~uczt:_n was a visitor. First, a non-discrimination agreement to the _overnment was approved as read by motion of Earl -illiams, seconded 'by J. J. Carlile. Annexation ~,~p Ordinance No. 13-; For property owned by iqr. and Mrs. sir. L. i~4.S-"wa°l`s read. Earl iilliams made the motion co annex this property, J. J. Cate seconded, and motion carried. Mir. iicClure then presented a number of resolutions in connection wittl the waiver program. Among these were resolutions awarding; sale of bonds, certi.icate showing the city had no outstandin indebteu-ness, Articles of Incorporation, rates for the water to the consumer. These were presented and on motion o J. J. Carlile, seconded by J. L. Clow, as each document was read, Council voted unanimously to accept each resolution. 5peed limits were discussed and it was a=treed that signs should ~ be set up on the roads within the city. On motion of Earl Williams, seconded by J. J. Carlile, Keller Austin was instructed to work with John R. Tate and J. J. Carlile in establishing the limits for various areas. This had 'been developed in the past but had not been brought to fruition and installation. Hr. Austin was also asked to keep careful observance on the activities of the Antique business on Hi hway 114. Mr. Whaley was to be reminded at all times that he was running a business not to be construed as a junk yard. J. J. Carlile made a motion to this effect, seconded by J. D. Cate, carried. Dr. Frank Austin was then asked to state his business. He gave details on a new building material, namely laminated steel porcelain, with the thought that such would be adaptable to the September 16, 1965 Page 2. ~ city's need for buildings surrounding the proposed water system. 7r. Austin was thanked for a most informative report and asked to contact B. L. Nelson, the enineer. The J. C. Wood Trailer Court problem was discussed, and Mr. McClure agreed to contact Mr. Casparis of the REA for help in terminating service on a commdreial basis. A letter was read from the First National Bank in regard to fees that might accrue (interest) on depositary funds from the govern- ment on the water loan. A discussion of the petition circulated in the community regard- ing a post office in Southlake ended on a note of approval for the proposal. Mr. Calvin Carney's offer to dedicate a street to the city was discussed and Council expressed appreciation for the gesture. However sincere, there are not funds available for the up-keep of streets, and the secretary was instructed to write a note declining the offer. Earl Williams made a motion to this effect and J. D. Cate seconded, motion carried. Mayor Schell read an agreement from the Highway Department which required the city's signature on a survey already completed and for which no charge would be made. J. D. Cate made the motion to sign and return the agreement, J. J. Carlile seconded, motion carried. By common consent, on motion of J. J. Carlile, meeting adjourned. 62~~ PatA-f S5Lei Secretary Mayor 1 1 ORDINANCZ NO. 131 AN fR mAnz RBCBIVING AND ANnkxNG TzkRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THS TOWN OF SOUTHLABB, T=S# PROVIDING THAT SUCH ARMA SHALL BBCOMB A PART Or SAID TOWN AND THAT THE OWNSRS AMID INHABITANTS THBRSOP SHALL BM ZNTITLBD TO ALL THE PRIVILNGXS OF THM OTHMR CITIZXN8 OF SAID TOWN, AND 4 BE BOUND BY THE ACT$ AND ORDINANC38 NOW IN ZFFBCT AND TO BM HZR 2NAFTMR AD0PTXD t FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AM3NDXNG AND CORRRCTING THE OFFICIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID TOWN AS HBRNTOrORB ADAPTZD AS Ate, AND PROvIDING FOR AN BFFMCTINB DATE, WHERZAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53rd Legislature, Page 357, Chapter 930 codified as Article 974-G, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, Billy L. Mays and wife, Gladys Mays, owners of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and Town Council of the Towns of Southlake, Texas, for annexation of .a tract of land situated in Tarrant County, Texas, and being 7 acres out of the Thomas Master Survey, more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: BBGIWIYG at an iron pin in the Bast line of County Road # 3119, a distance of 1031.9 ft, South and 20.0 ft, 48 N. 87-17 Be from the N.W. corner of the G. W. Main Survey, THZNCX N. 87-17 B. 345.5 ft. s T N. 2081, ft t ~'HBNGB Best with fence line 1821.0 ft.t THWCB S. 78-36 W. 36.65 ft.t T S. 42-26 E. 23.0 ft to a pipe in the Bast line of County Road # 3099 THS PLACE OF BEGINNING OF THE LAND TO BN DESCRIBIV. THZNCZ with said Bast limes S. 39-20 W. 109.0 ft. a pipet S. 30-15 W. 250.0 ft. a pipet 8.41-10 W. 78.0 ft. a pipet S. 48-10 W 75.0 ft. a pipet S 55 W. 120.0 ft. a pipet S. 53-45 W 292,0 ft, a pipet 8. 45-30 W. 43.0 fts 40 THBNCB N. 89 Deg. 15 Gain B. along and with an old fence line-855, ft. for corn+grt THENCE N. 0 deg. 45 min. West 691.0 ft fir corners THEE S. 87 ;deg. W. w1th fence line an in all 169.2 ft to the place of beginning. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Southlake, Texas, is attached hereto marked ZXSIBIT "A"t r and WIWRaAS, it appearing-to tb* Town Council of the Town of Southlake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the `above described area is not more than 11 mile in width, that not more than three qualified voters reside thereon, and that the same is adjacent to the present City Limits of the Town of Southlake, Texasp Ba` IT ORDA 1=D BY THS TOWN COUNCIL OF THB TOWN OF SOUTHL )M g TZXA S u 1. THAT, the property hereinabove described being adjacent, and contiguous to the Town Limits of Southlake, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits of said Town and is hereby made an integral part thereof. 2 THAT, the owners and`inhabitans of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citiaens and property owners of said Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto; now in full force and effect and that which rimy be hereafter adopted. 3. THAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Southlake Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended so as to include the-aforementioned territory,as part of the Town of Soutnllike, Texas THAT, this ordinance shall become effwwtzvs and be infull force and effect fr9& and after its passage-and approval by the Mayas dna duly attested by the-Town Secretary. ADOPTW this ! A ay of September, 1965. A PPROM t ATTEST: MAYOR Town Secretary