1965-08-03 Council Meetin City of Southlake, Texas August 3, 1965, 7:30 p.m. 1 The Meeting was ng s opened by Mayor Paul Schell. Councilmen answer- ing roll call were J. L. Clow, W. H. Crumbaker, J. J. Carlile, J. D. Cate, Earl Williams. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Bill May, Lanny Tate, Weldon Fewell, James Winfrey, Art Clifton and Mr. Red Whaley, Irvin;, Texas. Other members of Southlake administrative committee were G. W. Har;adine, chairman of Zoning and Planning, John Quinn, chairman of Board of Adjust- ments, Frank Denton, Water Commission, and Keller Austin, City Marshal. Mayor Schell called for reading of minutes of the previous meeting which were approved as read. He then asked Mr. Whaley to state his business. Mr. Whaley explained at great length that he had purchased cer- tain land, and had diligently tried to find the proper person to learn whether or not there were building ordinances and zoning ordinances in the community. Having failed to"obtain information other than that he could do what he chose, he. im- ' mediately started construction of a building, to house his merchandise which constituted largely antique articles of various and sundry nature. Upon the day prior to the meeting of Council, Mr. Whaley had been instructed by Southlake officials to cease the construction because he was in violation of the city's requirements pertain- ing to building and zoning. ' Mr. Whaley had at considerable expense to himself discontinued the construction work and was now pleading that the city ;rant his request for re-zoning and allow him to obtain the necessary permit to continue his operation. He re-emphasized his willing- ness to cooperate with the city. Page two, minutes August 3, 1965 k Mayor Schell informed Mr. Whaley that his problem would have to ■ be referred to the Committee on Zoning and Planning before Council could take action. Mr. Whaley expressed his willingness, ' however, but further stated that such a delay would be of tremendous hurt inasmuch as he had mailed some 500 cards announcing an opening date of August 15. Whereupon there came a general discussion as to the pros and cons of this man's problem. Mr. G. W. Hargadine, chairman of the committee to which this matter would be referred, being present, asked that the council consider the :natter of by- passing his committee and take immediate action. Mr. Hargadine spoke in behalf of Mr. ~4haley's problem and expressed confidence that he would operate his business in an orderly fashion and cooperate in every way with city rules and regulations. After further discussion, Councilman J. D. Cate made the following motion: That the usual committee action be by-passed and the construction allowed to continue after Mr. 14haley obtained the necessary building permit from Mr. Frank Denton and that the land be considered re-zoned for commercial use for the purposes afore- mentioned, i.e., the sale of antiques, same not to be wrecked cars or other unusable w1hole or pieces of merchandise classified as junk; that all merchandise be stored within the building for specific articles on display for advertising purposes; that the business be operated in an orderly fashion in every respect; that this zoning shall apply only to this specific business and that any change thereof must be considered in advance by the proper authorities of the city. , This motion was discussed generally and when all concerned were satisfied with the wording, J. J. Carlile seconded the ' motion and it carried. Art Clifton was then invited to state his business, and this I; had to do with obtaa.nan~ a permit for certain changes and j addition: in his grocery store. He was referred to Mr. Frank I Denton. i a 1 Pae three, Minutes Auvust 3, 1965 Lannie Tate asked that, the City consider his request for annex- ation. Vince the land under consideration did not join the city directly, Lannie was told to contact Mr. Ben McClure for further information. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mayf discussed the possibility of being annexed to the city in order to be enrolled in the water pro- gram which is underway. There was no decision made by them in this re and . Mention was made of a trailer moved in by J. A. Watson. Also mentioned was the status of the trailer park suit vs. James C. Bloods. He was reportedly engaged in seeking new trailers in spite of the restraining order issued. Mention was made that the deadline for water hydrants could be extended until a contract was actually awarded. The purchase of land for the well-site was held for the time being. Ordinance No. 133 for annexation of land owned by Grady Lee Foster and wife was read. On motion of J. L. Clow, seconded by Earl Williams, this ordinance was approved and signed by the Mayor and Secre- tary. Other matters up for discussion were city ~ limit sil-ns, speed limit signs and the possibility of securing a new Civil Defense Director, with Mr. Crumbaker remaining as head of the communi- cations part of the program. Councilman Earl Williams made the suggestion that the city pay its outstanding bills, which was unanimously approved as was the request for adjournment by J. D. Cate. "I i . I~ Secretary Mayor r., ?w ORDINAWCZ NO. 133 AN ORDINANCE RZCZIVING AND ANNS=NG TZRRITORY ADJACZNT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTH- " LAMB, TBXAS= PROVIDING THAT SUCH ARIA SHALL BZCOM A PART OF SAID TOWN AND THAT THZ OWNERS AND INHABITANTS THZREOf' SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILZGZS OF TIM t1THSR CITISENS Off' SAID TOWN, AND BZ BOUND BY THZ ACTS AND , ORDINANCZS NOW IN ZFFZCT AND TO BR HBREINAFTSR 4W ADOPTSDa FURTHER PROVIDING FOR ACING AND CORRZCTING THZ OFFICIAL BOUNDARIZB OF SAID TOWN AS =RET0FORE ADOPTED AS ANtNDED, AND PROVIDING FOR-AN ZFFSCTIVS DATZ. WIMMAB, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, A' 53rd Legislature, Page 357, Chapter 93, Codified as Article 974-rG Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, Grady Lee roster and wife, Dianna Gail roster, owners of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and Town Council of the Team of Southlaka, Texas, for annexation of a tract of land out of the J. W. Hale Survey, a part of a,51 acre tract of land conveyed to Cyril B. Mikusek and Albino Mikusek revprded in Volume 1358, page 437, Deed Records, Tarrant County, "Texas, as follows BEGINH]NG at an iron rod for corner, said corner being in the Zest line of J. w. Hale Survey and the Hest line of the J. A. Freeman survey,, said corner being an iron stake in an old fence line and said point being the most Northerly Northeast 40 corner of said Mikusek 51 acre tracts TH3HCZ South 00 degrees, 05 min. West, along the Zest line of ,in said J. W. Sale Survey, 523.02 feet to an iron rod for corners r THENCZ North 87 deg. 24 min. 30 sec. West 553.10 feet to an iron rod for corner in an old fence line, the west line of said Mlkusek 51 acre tract: THENCE North, along the said old fence line also the west line of said MIkusek 51 acre tract, 501.85 feet to an iron rod for corner, said corner being the most westerly Northwest corner of said MIkusek 51 acre tracts TEMOCS South 89 deg. 35 min. 50 sec. Zest, along the North line of said Mikusek 51 acre tract, 553.35 feet to the Point 40 of Beginning and containing 8.503 acres of land. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Southlake, Texas, is attached hereto marked EXHIBIT "A"t and AW WMRERS, it appearing to the Town Council of the Town of eouthlake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the above " described area is not more than % ails in width, that not more than three qualified voters reside thereon, and that the same is adjacent to the present City Limits of the Town of Southiake, Texast BE IT arm TbiED BY TAE TOWN COUI=L (W THR Tull OF S ,RU, TWMSs i TART, the property hereinabove described being adjacent, and contiguous to the Town Limits of Southlake, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Liaits of said Town and is hereby made an integral part thereof. 2. THAT, the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property owners of said Town and be bound by,all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity,thersto, now in full force and eflet and that which nay be hereafter adopted. 3. THAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Southlake Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended so as to inglude the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of 9outh1aka, ''Texas. ' 4. THAT, this ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town secretary. ADOPTED thins day, ofJ , 1965. APPROVXD# l~AYtEt ATTESTS li&N SXCJ WARY'