1965-05-04 A J Council Meeting City of Southlake May 4, 1965 The meeting was opened by Mayor Paul Schell, Answering roll call were Councilmen J. J. Carlile, J. D. Cate, Earl Williams, J. L. Clow and No Ho Crumbaker. Also present were.the Marshall Keller Austin, H. M. Hunter, L. T. Catheart, Earl Bailey, B. B. Lee, Henry Ridings, G. N, Hargadine, Frank Denton and Johnnie Tate. Mr. Ben McClure, city attorney was present, and one visitor, Mr. Bill Ratcliff of Grapevine* Mayor Schell presented annexation orders numbers 129 and 40"n-re-the property eo owned by James F. Reese and Gerald M. Hunt. On notion of J. L. Clow, seconded J. D. Cate, these orders were unanimously approved by the Council. I by Mrs G. W. Hargadine, chairman of the Commission on Zoning and Planing was asked to make a report on the request of M. J. O'Brien. Mr. Hargadine read the decision of his committee. o which was favorable to granting Mr. O'Brien's request. On motion of J. D. Cate, seconded by J. L.-Clow, the report was "s approved by Council. A copy of the report is as follows: "The Zoning and Planing Commission, at a meeting on April 13, 1963, heard Mr. M. J. O'Brien's.request that Hillside C Drive be closed. It is the opinion of the Commission that there is no reason why Mr. O'Brien should not be allowed to close said road. As a matter of 41 fact, all of Mr. O'Brien's reasons for wanting the road closed, as set down in his letter of April 6th, seemed valid. The Zoning and Planing Commission recemaaends that the City Council of the City of Southlake approve the request," Submitted: G. N. Hargadine, Jr., Chairman. Mr. Ratcliff was then asked to state his businesso He sought information as to whether or not recently purchased land in the Lake••W addition was actually a part of the City. When assured that the greater portion of his land was in the city limits, Mr. Ratcliff asked for information on who signed the petition since he had been unable to locate this information at-the Court House. He was further assured that the Ordinance was on file. He thanked the Council for their tine and asked that any action regarding his request for possible soning be delayed for the time being* A resolution was read in regard to a revenue band election on May 22, 1965. This would be required in order to proceed with negotiations for a loan for the proposed „ water system. After general discussion, J. J. Carlile made the notion to approve the bond election, J. L. Clow, seconded, and motion carried. m A matter which had been held or tabled for a time was dissussed and settled. On January 27, 1965, Mrs. Blanche Chambers had deposited $50.00 in the Southlake Water Corporation account at the First National Bank. When the deposit slip was at omr►' received, the secretary informed the Water Board that Mrs. Chambers' property was not located within the city limits, nor was it adjacent or contiguous to the present bsundaries. Council elected to wait a time before advising the lady, with the hope that &smoother property owner in her area would ask for annexation and thus enable favorable action on a request for annexation of her property if such request r should be presented. However, since no such developments had occurred, after discussion of the matter, by motion of J. D. Cate, seconded by J. L.Clow, the secretary was instructed to issue a check in the amount w of $50.00 as refund to Mrs. Chambers. Routine bills were approved for payment, also the fees for the w election officials, election supplies, and a statement from Circle Communications in the amount of $28.56 for repairs en-the Marshal's car radio. On motion of J. L.Clow, the meeting was adjourned. Paul hell, Mayor Irene Nelson, Secretary U6 w m r= r ra ~r w ORDINANCE NO, 139 AN MWZM MCZ RBCZZV'1MG ANiH 1~HZN1G ~EdtRRZWTMX ADJACENT AND COMTZQUQUS TO TON'TOW W SOUTIOJOS S TM 1 PROVIDING. THAT SUCH AREA SKAZa Bacon A -TART or SAID TOWN AND THAT TOR M ms 'Am ZN MABITANTS TMUGF $HAL BS a ITUM TO Audi THS PRIVZISS or arna CITZ or SAID Tons Am an BOUND By THE. ACTS AND tB~I1NI -man ZN EF1N'ECT AND TO.-BB MUREINAUTER Ali rURTM PROV X1 L", FOR AWlNt3Z' G Am Cv TUN .0"ICXAIO BfSAiDllltl S of SAYD TOM AS ~RE'!'GlE1itB ADOlri'iD AS Ate!, AND PROVIMS FOR AN EVdECTZVE. DATZ. MHSNtEAB, pursuent to the provisions. of the Acts of 1953, 53rd Legislature, Page 3570 Chapter 93, codified as Article 974-G, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, Gerald Hunt and wife, mazy Hunt, owners of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the mayor and Town Council of the Town of Southlake, Texas, for annexation of a tract of land consisting of 10 acres of land situated in'Tarrant County, Texas, and being out of the L J. Go AIIMN SURVEY, Abstract No. 18, and being a portion of a certain 90 acre tract conveyed to J. B. Bearden by deed recorded in Volume 15450 pigs 183, of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BWXMIM at an iron rod in the Bast line of the said Bearden 90 Acre tract, said point being 950 varas Bast and 438.96 vcres Borth of the Southwest corner of the J. G. ALLEN SURVEYS THRUM West and parallel to the South line of the J. G. AZARX SURVEY] 300.0 !wt to an iron rod for corners TNSNCB North 1440.8 feet to an iron rod for corner in the South R.O.W. line of State r . K. Highway No. 17091 TRNCE North 86 degrees 31 minutes Bast 100.3 feet with the South R.O.W. line of said Highway to an iron rods TH11mcX North 81 degrees 05 minutes Bast 133.6 feet with the South R.O.W. line of said Highway to an iron rods THENCE North 89 degrees 51 minutes Bast 75.5 feet with the South R.O.W. line of said Highway,to an iron rod for corner in the Bast line of said Bearden 90 Acre tracts THRUCS South with the Bast line of said Bearden 9OAcre tract, 1466.5 feet to the PLACE OB BEGINNIN . and containing 10.0 acres. er *W A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the 3 Town of Southloke, Texas, is attached hereto marked EXHIBIT "A"t and nUMUTAS it appearing to the Town Council of the Town of Southlake, Texas, that all atatvtory requirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the above described area is :rot: were than 1/2 aide, in width, that ,not mWO thee, throe gaalifed voters reside thorsono and that the owe is,adl,jocent to the present City limits of the Town of Southiska, Texasf I)X IT ORDAMM BY Txx. Ton COUNCIL W TONS OF SOUTHLAM TMS s 1. • THAT,. the property horeiaabove described being adjacent, and ~ contiguous to the Tom Limit& 9 4outhlake, Testes, be and is hereby annexed and brewIft,within the Corporate Limits of said Town and is hereby, :made; sn integral ,part thereof. 24 ar , the owners and Inhabitants of the Ira herela' annexed TRAIT. be. entltl" to, all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and'property owners of' said Town and bo bound by all of the acts and ordinances Wade in coxfovuJ*y thereto, noit is foal force and , effect' ead' that wb~,dh say bo,boreafter adopted. me 3. a TRAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town `of 'southlake, Texass as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby smended so as to inch the aforementioned territory as part of the 'Town of iouthlaice, 743Cai. THAT, this ordinance AMU hecwi effective and' be In full force. and effect from and after Iti passage' and approval by the mayor ^ and dgly'attoitnd by the Torn secretary.' Anon= thisANNy of , X. D. "1965. AlI~RR~iND ~i MAYOR ATTIM 'ww Tom a~Agr OltDnVAX= NO, 130 AN ORDINAMCZ RECBIVXNG AND ANAOXING TERRITORY ADJACXIIT AHD CONT UOUB TO TUX TOWN OF SOUT1M3M i TXXAS 1 PROMING - THAT SUCH AREA BRALL - BXCOMS A TART Or -SAID TOWN AND THAT THE O S AND IMAHITANTS THXREO1r SM16L BE, EUTITUM TO ALL THE PRIVIXAMB 01r THE 4TJtiR CITXJMNS Or SAID TONN s MM ASS BOUMD IIY THR - ACTS AND ORDXMRN EB NOW IN XFFECT AN TO BE I8REMI-2 SR ADOPTED l FURTHER PR"019G, FOR AMMING AND CORRXC:TXNG • THE 0"ICIAL HOUNDARIXS Of SAID TOWN AS HXRXTOEORM ADOPTED AS AHEXDSD, AND PROVIDING FOR AN SMICTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53rd Legislature, Page 357, Chapter 93, codified as Article 974 G, Revised-Civil Statutes of Texas, J+ F* Reese and wife, Ruth Lorene Reese, owners of the teak property hereinafter described having ends application as by law provided to the Xayor end-Town Council of the Town.of Bouthlake, Texas,'for annexation of a tract of land out of ths.JESSE G. A survey, Abstract No. 180 Tarrant County, Texas, more fully described by mates and bounds, to-wit: HSOTH~IIHG 500 Varna south and South 51k degrees west 270 veras from the N*X. corner of said Allen Survey in the center of the Grapetl►ine !Geller Roads 'PHSECB'South 51h degrees west with center of said Road 99 wares to fence linef - T1tBHC3 South with fence line 187 varas to stake for corners THENCE Bast 77.6 vcres to stoker THZNCS north 249 varas to the place of beginning, containing 3 acres of land in sol►d'surveys A Plat of said land showing Its location with respect to the s~ Town of Southlake, Texas, Is attached hereto marked BXHTHIT "A"t and wHZR19AS, it appearing to the Town Council of the Town of Southlake, Texas, that all statutory roq"remonts in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the above described area is not more than mile in Now 6 width, that not more than three qualified voters reside thereon, and that the same is adjacent to the present City Limits of the Town of . Southlake, Texas t BR IT ORDAINSD BY "M TOWN C ZL OF T= TCMB OF itll ~iQUR'Jatiril~, :.TI6]ClIB s . . 1. THAT, the.property_hereinabove described being adjacent, and cont guous.te the Town Limits of Southlake, Texas, be I~r and is hereby snnexed and brought within the Corporate Limits of said Town and,is hereby made an integral part thereof. 3 2. THAT, the owners and inhabitants of the aces:herein annexed. be, entitled ,.to . all ,,of the rights and. privileges of other.citisons and property owners of said Town &ad be bound by ail of the acts and ordinances made in,conform$tythe=eto, now in final forme and effect anA that which may be hereafter adopted. 30 rr„ THAT, the official asap and boundaries of the Town of w Southlrke, Testa8# as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hessby'amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of Southlake, Texas, a" 4 e THAT, this ordinance shall become effective and be in full P„ force and effect from.and after its passage and approval by the mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ~ ADOPTED this of . 1965. APPROWD s P-P MAYOR - ATTMST sr TOm SBCRSTARY PP ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY i ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTELAKE9 TEXAS; PROVIDING-THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOME A PART OF SAID TOWN-AND THAT THE OWNERS AND INHABIT• ANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF SAID TOWN, AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN EFFECT AND TO BE REBEIN• AFTER ADOPTED; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AMENDING AND CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID TOWN AND HERETOFORE ADOPTED AS AMENDED, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 19531 53rd. Legislatureq Page 3579 Chapter 93, codified as Article 974-G* Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, Lakewood Acres, Inc.# owner of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the Town of Southlake: Texas, a tract of land consisting of 19.46 acres, out of the S. Freeman Survey, Tarrant County, Texas, more particularly described as follower' BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the go Freeman Surveyp Abstract #525 in Tarrant County$ Texas; THENCE East with the North line of said survey 23396 va ras; THENCE North 89 degrees 48 minutes East 250.5 feet to the West line of a road; + THENCE South 1 degree 12 minutes East with said West line 1625.62 feet; THENCE North 88 degrees 48 minutes East 35.0 feet,to the East line of said road; THENCE South 1 degree 12 minutes East with said East' line 238.0 feet THENCE South 0 degrees 31 minutes East with said East line 486.98 feet; an'iron pin the place of beginning of the land to be described= THENCE South 0 degrees 31 minutes East with said Fast line 49842 feet a stake; „e THENCE East with a fence line 1700.0 feet an iron pint a► 'j I r 4 THENCE North with fence line 498.0 feet an iron pin; ~ THENCE West 1704.5 feet to the place of beginning;" I SAVE AND EXCEPT any pert or portion thereof in the use or occupancy of any public road or highways A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the ` Town of Southlake# Texas# is attached hereto marked Ssh bit As THAT, the property he:reina'bove described being adjacent and contiguous to the Town Limits of Southlake, Texas, be and Is hereby annexed and barought.within the Corporate Limits of said Town-;and is hereby made an integral part thereof.. 2 THATg•the owners and inhabitants of the area-herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and, property owners of said Town and be bound. by a,11.- of ~ the acts and ordinances made in conformity theretog now in . full force and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. THATi the official map and boundaries of the Town of Southlake# Texas as heretofore adopted and amendedg be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as ~ part of the .Town of Southlake, Texas* 4+ , THISg ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the ` Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ADOPTED thie,.J-1tlay Of_,_„, • As D. 1965. APPROr!s l , s ATTESTt Mayor low Town Secretary f owl