Special Meeting
April 23, 1965
A special meeting was held on April 23, 1965, for the purpose of
swearing in the officials elected on April 6, 1965. Mayor Tate tailed
the meeting to order. Answering roil call were J. J. Carlile, W. H. Crumbaker,
J. D. Cate, Earl Williams and Paul Schell.
The oath of office was administered by Mayor Tate to J. L. Clow, newly
elected councilman to Place 1; J. J. Carlile, re-elected to Council Place 2;
Al and Paul Schell, Mayor.
4" The meeting was then turned over to Mayor Schell. Several items of
hisiness were on the agenda which required immediate attention; therefore,
the council was called to order.
Mayor Schell presented a copy of the application for the loan for the
water system. Johnnie Tate explained ft details of the application.
Mr. J. J. Carlile made the motion that this preliminary application be
approved and submitted to the Federal Loan Agency. With a second by
Earl Williams, the motion carried.
It was decided to call a public meeting on April 29, 1965, for the
purpose of acquainting the residents of certain requirements which had
recently been imposed by the governmental loan agencies. Mainly, the
item of importance to this community was the fact that revenue bonds would
alt have to be voted before the loan could possibly be approved on a low
interest basis. Final determination of this step would depend upon the
reaction of the people involved. Therefore, the meeting was set for
?%30 PM, April 290 1965 at Carroll School.
Mr. Schell thanked the councilmen for their presence and asked that they
Am continue the fine support which had been shown to Mayor Tate. He instructed
4W the secretary to notify the members of the various committees of their
re-appointment. Keller Austin, Wm. J. Hudson, and Irene Nelson, were
„s re-appointed to their various offices.
o" Frank Denton building commissioner John
i Quinn, chairman of Board of
Adjustments, members, C. C. Hall, J. J. Joyce, L. T. Cathcart, C. H. Young=
Zoning and Planing Commission: G. W. Hargadine, Jr., Chairman, Henry Ridings,
Secretary, members, H. M. Hunter, L. A. Casey, Frank Croy; Water Commission:
John Tate, Chairman, Frank Denton, Secretary-Treasurer, J. J. Carlile, Vice-
President, J. D. Cateip Earl Williams, H. M. Hunter, B. B. Lee.
On motion of Earl Williams, with a second by J. J. Carlile, the meeting was adjourned.
Paul Schell,--Mayorrene Nelson, Secretary
AREAS, on the 6th day of April, 1965, pursuant to the provisions
of Title 28, Chapter 2 of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes, the
Election Code of the State ZZ? e, and Resolution No. 26, heretofore
adopted on theo43 ay of , 1965s after due notice as by
law provided, the general election to elect a mayor and two
councilmen for a term of two years was held within the limits of
said Towns and
WHUMS on the ay of April, 1965, at a meeting of the Town
Council, the results of said election were convassed by the Mayor
in the presence of the Tern Council and said canvass showed the
results thereof was as follows:
Paul Schell 36 votes
J. L. Clow 36 votes
r-ga CQ M„ IIZR P~d~iCE 1
J. J. Carlile 36 votes
THAT, the canvass of the results of said election be, and is
hereby approved, and that Paul Schell, J. L. Clow, and J. J. Carlile
having received the highest number of votes for mayor and Councilmen
Places 1 and 2, are hereby elected to said offices and are to serve
as such officers as specified above or until their successors are
duly elected and qualified. AM
THAT, all such officers are hereby instructed to take the oath of
office as by law provided and file such oath with the town secretary.
ADOPTED this "ay of April, A. D. 1965.
Apr ed: