DECEMBER 7, 1964
This meeting was presided over by Dennis Howard, Chairman of the Water
Committee. Present were Councilmen W. H. Crumbaker, Paul Schell, Earl
Williams, J. J. Carlile, J. D. Cate. For the Water Commissions Reid
Jamison, Lloyd Brown, H. M. Hunter, Frank denton, Joe Douglass,
Rotert Rockenbaugh, W. F. Jackson, B. B. Lee. g
The Committee on Interviewing Engineers submitted three names:
O V DiScuillo, Arlington, Biggs and Mathews, Wichita Falls,
B. L. Nelson and Associates, Dallas.
General discussion ensued and no action was taken at the time in regard
to the engineers.
Details for the December 14 open meeting were discussed. The secretary
was instructed to have pencils, cards, checks, etc, available for the
use of the people to fill in applications and give their money for taps.
It was generally agreed that a closing date for tapping fees (or charter
membership) should be set. That time was tentatively placed at January
15, 1965.
The meeting was adjourned by mutual agreement after a great deal of
discussion pro and con over the proposed water system..
iene Nelson
Council Meeting
December 7, 1964
Because there were not enough Councilmen present totransact business
at the regularly called sleeting time on December 1, council meeting
was held imsediately following a meeting of the slater Board Commission
on Monday night, December 7, 1964.
Mayor Tate called the group to order and the following answered
roll call: J. J. Carlile, W. H. Crumbaker, J. D. Cate, R. B. Williams,
and Paul Schell. Mr. Joe Douglass remained for the Council meeting.
Much of the time devoted to this meeting was spent in discussing
the water program. The Steering Comemittee of the Water Program
had asked the City to become an active part of the investigative
group. Councilmen agreed to help in every way possible, but still
' felt they should remain in the background. However, one point was
w of sufficient import to warrant a motion: that the water program
would be financed on a revenue bond basis rather than by imposing
44 city tares, Paul Schell put this into the form of a motion and J. D,
Cate seconded. Motion carried,
The Texas State Highway had submitted a routine copy of the ordnance
in regard to speed limits in arias of road under construction. Mayor
4d Tate presented this to Council for approval. Bart Williams made the
-motion to,approve this. regulatory ordnance, W. H. Crumbaker seconded,
motion carried. The Secretary was instructed to return two copies to
the Highway Department and place one in.the minutes.
A letter of petition regarding _the_flying pursuits of Mr. T. C. Carney
was presented. His neighbors asked Council to seek help from the FM
' in having,Mr. Carney's field or airstrip be declared unsafe. The
Secretary was instructed to write a,letter.to the Regional FAA officer
for verification of the validity of Mr. Carney's license, as well as
. ask for inspection of the thpdAft,3attip, etc. Couedl felt that no
further action was indicate`'at this time.
Routine bills were approved and meeting was adjourned by unaminous
decision, The secretary recalled the group to ask for approval on
th~r us Chri as o ations to Carroll PTA and Grapevine Fire Department**
~ M r
**and the dispatchers at Grapevine City Hall. J. J. Carlile made the
motion to give the usual amounts of $100,00 to the Fire Department,
$50.00 to the Carroll PTA and $15.00 gift allowance for the dispatchers.
Earl Williams, seconded, motion carried. Mr. Carlile then asked the
Secretary-for the balance on deposit at F. N. Bank. When told the amount,
he amended his motion to include depositing $1000.00 additional to the City's
interest bearing account at Tarrant Savings. This addenda carried and the
W C check was written at the time.