Council Meeting
City of Southlake
September 1, 1964
The regular meeting of the City Council was held at 7:30 PM on September
1, 1964. Mayor John R. Tate called the meeting to order and the following
councilmen answered roll call: J. D. Cate, Paul Schell, Earl Williams,
W. H. Crunbaker and J. J. Carlile. Also present were G. W. Hargadine of
the Zoning and Planning Commission, and Keller Austin, Marshal. City Attorney
Ben McClure arrived just as the meeting was getting underway. '
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A report only
of a special meeting pertaining to the proposed water program was made,
A letter, outlining some of tbf`questions and answers in regard to such
a program had been composed and council voted to pay the $24*00 necessary
for obtaining envelopes (posta e)`for sending these letters to the citizens "
of Southlakee It was also Mcussed that small cards should be obtained
on which the interested citizens might sign their name and indication of
interest as a starting point for the proposed program. That the progress
of.the water program should be reported from tine to time in the local
news medif even if an advertising rate should be charged. These general
discussion items were put into a motion by Paul Schell. J. J. Carlile
seconded, and motion carried.
Coming up for general discussion was the city's need for a corporatism
court ,fudge. No immediate action was taken.
Routine bills were approved for payment, and Yeller Austin's officer's
bond of $5,00 was also placed in line for payment.
A lengthy discussion ensued as to ways and means to get the water program
"off the ground." No definite action was taken by Council, but it was
agreed that enthusiasm was spreading...
The meeting was adjourned by unanimous decision.
Jo R. Tate, Mayor
Irene Nelson, Secretary