City of Southiake
May 9, 1964
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tate, Minutes of the previous
meeting were read and approved.,
Mayor Tate administered the oath of office to councilmen W. H. Crumbaker
and J. D. Cate. After that roil call was made and answering were Councilmen
Raul Schell, J. J. Carlile, W. H. Crumbaker, J. D. Cate. Also present was
City Attorney Ben McClure and a visitor, Mr. Bennie Burris.
Mr. Burris was invited to state his business with the council. He presented
a request that the City assist in a financial way with the operation of a
a Little League Baseball Group in the community. It was pointed out that last
year a donation had been made to help defray lighting expense. Howevers
this plea was for $350,00 to underwrite the expense of the summer games;
that with such help, it was planned that the future years would find the
League self-sustaining through the operation of concession stands, donations
from spectators, etc. After general discussions on motion of Paul Schell,,
seconded by J. D, Cate, Council approved a donation of the requIested amount
+r and the secretary was instructed to write a check to the Carroll School Little
League for $350.30.
Mayor Tate made the suggestion that the secretary's expense allowance be
increased to $25900 per month; however, after general discussion, led by
J. J. Carlile, the amount was'set at $15.00 per month, and the $5,00
extra each quarter for phone calls, stamps, etc, which had been previously
Mr. Ben McClure reported briefly on the case pending against Mr. J. C. Moods,
Mayor Tate suggested that the secretary assemble extra copies of ordinances
95, 105, 106, at the earliest practical time for use among the new committee
Mr. J. J. Carlile asked that council instruct the secretary to write a letter
to Mr. Dick Lewis expressing the Council's approval of having the road used by
Mr. Carlile and others, graded, graveled, hot-+topped. On motion of J. D. Cate*
second by Paul Schell, the secretary was so instructed to send the letter to
Commission Lewis, Precinct 34
Routine bills were approved and council adjourned on motion of J. J. Carlile,
seconded by W. H., Crumbaker.
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Secretary agor