Council Meeting
Feb. 8, 1964
40 Mayor Tate called the meeting to order. Councilmen J. D, Cate, Paul Schell,
J. J. Carlile W. H, Cruwbaker, answered tell call; Mr.`Me1leJi.A6Ati= arrived a
few minutes later. A number of guests were present.
A general discussion of trailers, taxes on same, hour to obtain permits and
ways of maintaining a check on the. new ones, etc* ensued. The secretary was
instructed to send specific notices in a'few known instances of violation of
zoning orders. Real estate signs, which declared certain areas for commercial
use, were among the items under discussion. It was suggested that the power and
light companys be reminded of this important matter of waking certain a permit
~r had been issued before lights (electricity) were connected.
Routine bills were approved; election order for April 7, 1964 was approved*
a At this time, councilmen for places 3, 49 5, will be up for reelection.,,The
secretary was instructed to have'the usual supplies arranged for.
Mr. J. J. Carlile made a notion that the city purchase eighteen folding
a cuirs. Paul Schell seconded and the motion carried. Mr. Earl Millians was
appointed by Mayor:Tate to see to this purchase.
After the routine business, reading of the minutes, and general friendly
discussion aitut the city's affairs, the business of the day got under way.
A The guest was Mr. R. F. (Dick) Richardson of the Tarrant Utility Company, who
had cone to present his company's plan for servicing the city residents of
Southlake, IM WISHED THE SERVICE, with w}ter. Mr. Richardson assured the
group thtt ale storage and water,,frellsYin the area would guarantee a reasonable
iate and that water pressures would be adequate. A few prices were quoted in
a general way t 3.€ 9 for the first 2 thousand galft; 650,per 1000
gallons for the
next 10,000148¢ per 1000 for all above. Normal tapping fee $100*00 per 100 feet$
after that $1.00 per foot; meter would be the breaking point. Discussion developed
that the user would have to pay for the piping iron the utility's.last point--if
the user happened to be off the iiise"this was seen as a likely expensive operation.
Mr. Richardson was well informed on the business at hand and use-gave the
listeners a concise and intelligent survey of what might be expected. Those
present listened with great interest. Council did not take action on the
request for a franchise. General discussion was that the matter should be
r checked more ths"6ghly, although, the wording of the request for franchise
would be to the effect that the council could grant same and to secure the
necessary users would be up to the utility company. The franchise would not
enforce a resident to use the service, nor would it preclude another franchise
to a different company offering the same service.
Mayor Tate thanked Mr. Riichardson for his tine and the guests for their
cooperative interest. On motion of W. H. Crumbaker, seconded by J. D, Cate,
eting adjourned
Secretary ayes
I, John R. Tate, Mayor of the Town of Southlake, Texas,
by virtue of the. power vested in me by law, do hereby order that
j an election be held in the Town of Southlake, Texas, on April 7,
1964, being the first Tuesday thereof, for the purpose of electing
j the following officers of said Town:
Three councilmen for places 3, 4, and 5 for a term of two
years, from April 7, 1964, or until their successors are
duly elected.and qualified. Candidates for such offices
receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to
such offices for such terms, from April 7, 1964.
And, that said election shall be held at the City Hall in said
Town, and the following shall be held and appointed as managers of
said election; to-wit:
i Presiding Judge
A set, esiding Judge
The Marshal is hereby directed and instructed to post a pro-
perly.executed copy of this order and notice of Election at the
City Hall, the place where this election will be held, and at two
other public places within the Town. Said notice shall be posted
thirty days before the date of said election.
SIGNED and executed this the 8' k day o fMai.Ch,, 64.
OR, Town of Southlake, Texas
February 25, 1964
City Council of Southlake
Attention Mr. John R. Tate, Mayor Is
A plat of the land which I own in the city is attached heretog The
portion known as the Oaks.SubDivision was approved by the Council
some years back and is not under consideration in this request.
The Texas Highway Department has indicated that it will in the future
j at a.tine convenient to its' need for same, ask for one hundred feet
across the front of the property now occupied by my store, filling
station, feed storage and beautywobarber shop building: When this time
arrives, it will be necessary to relocate all of my establishment.
I have no definite building plan at the present. However, based upon
the land left, which has sot been sub divided into residential lots&
and which will remain in my possession after the roadway site has beta
possessed, there will be something over three acres of land lying east
of the present store location and bounded an the east by land owned by
Mr. Joe Fechtal and Western Hatcheries, The other boundaries are of
property of personal ownership by myself and my wife.
Therefore, I respectfully ask of the city council at this date, for
a rezoning of the land herein described..-that it may be classified
"for commercial use" and I seek couocil•s approval of a permit,
date undetermined, to relocate the buildings described herein, with
alterations as may be deeded necessary by me, to continue operation
of like business, at the time it becomes necessary to relinquish my
present site,
I will ofcourse expect to remit the usual
permit fee: based upon
the dollar evaluation involved` at the time of rebuilding.
The copy of the plat submitted is intended for city files and a similar
copy will l fable to signing by the representative of the City
when appro bf my request is given.
With my t for your consideration, I an
Very tru ry prs,
,L,A~Cso lam"