1968-12-17 ' COUNCIL MINUTES City of Southlake December 17, 1968 err The Southlake regular council meeting was called to order by Mayor J.L. d Clow at 7:30 p.m. Councilmen present were: J.D. Cate, Buddy Brown, and Thurman Hearn. The minutes of December 3, 1968 were read and approved as corrected. The first item of business was the proposed city budget for 1969. Each councilman was given a copy and the proposed budget was read by the Mayor. Afrer no recommendation of changes, a motion was entertained for approval. Thurman Hearn made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 158, purposed budget, as presented, January 1, 1968, to January 31, 1969. J. T). Cate seconded the motion and all councilmen voted unanimously in favor. The second item of business was additional police coverage for the forthcoming holidays, Buddy Brown made the motion the arrangements be made by Police Chief Ince to have second police car and patrolman for holidays. Thurman Hearn seconded the motion. The council was unanimously in favor. Announcement Annexiation hearing necember 18, 1968 at City Hall, 7:30 P. M. Buddy Brown made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Thurman Hearn. 4 Motion carried unanimously. Approved By: 40 Lousie Morrison w City Secertary s 40 "4rr✓ a I *IA; ate. CITY OF SOUTHIAKE, TEXAS ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1969-1 JANUARY 1969-31 DECEMBER 1969 J. L. CLOW, MAYOR THURMAN HEARN - MAYOR PRO-TEM COUNCILMN: J.J. CARLILE " J.D. CATE MIKE O'BRIEN BUDDY BROWN w' qq s r~ Honorable City Council City of Southlake Southlake, Texas .F Gentlemen: This budget is prepared and submitted in conformance with the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. It is for the City of Southlake, Texas, and for the fiscal year 1 January 1969 through 31 Macomber 1969. Southlake has been incorporated since 1956. In order for a well developed program for our area t= it requires the expenditure of funds which must be met in part by a tax levy on the property within our boundries. Some of the goals for the coming year as evident by the proposed budget are: 1. Expand our police department to give our citizens the best police protection. 2. Up-grade our fire department for better fire protection and better insurance rates. 3. Expand our present water system and develop other water sources for F the future. 4. Continue with area planning and development. Appreciation is extended to all for their cooperation in helping our area in its development to date. This coming year will require the cooperation of all our ' citizens, offering to serve on working committees and to plan projects for future growth. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Respedtialy submitted J. L. Clow, I1eyor d SU MkRY OF REVENUE AND DISBURSEMENTS ` CITY OF SOUTHIAKE TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 93,163.00 TOTAL REVENUE r-wrr-rr-rrr`s-r-rsr.~rrr~r-r.~-~r~rrrrra $ Z0,160.00 " ENDING DEFICIT rrrrrrrrr-..r.».....rrr..rr..--rrrrr $ 23,803.00 Id a m i a a a ~1 P. . GENERAL FUND REVENUE 1. SAIR OF WATER $ 39,000.00 2. SAIBS OF TAPS • $ 11,600.00 3. SST $ 2,250.00 ' 4. FROM TARRANT COUNTY A. FIRE DEPARTH= $ 11,500.00 B. LIBRARY $ 22000100 59 TRI COUNTY COOPERATIVE $ 19250.00 r 6. TEXAS POWER AND LIGHT r••••-••••--•••••••••••• $ 1,450.00 7. GENERAL TEIRPHONE $ 650.00 r 8. WNE STAR. GAS $ 1,500.00 9. BUIIDING PERMITS $ 960.00 10. FIMS $ 8.000.00 TOTAL ALL RECEIPTS $ 709160.00 . R r w r.,.:..mr..., -~+ww.R- w.aww•~ww.r~nr. _ „wn - SUMRY- GENERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS CITY OF SOUTHIAKE r DEPARTMENTS ADMIINSTRATIVE DEPARTMNT •rrrNrNrrNrrrrN- $ 50560.00 CITY SECRETARY DEPARTMENT NrrrrNNr.rr-r-rN $ 5,400.00 POLICE DE PARTMNT---------Nrrr••~rrrrrrrrrrr $ 21, 743.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT-rrr-r~lrr-rrrNrrrrNNNNN- $ 6,590.00 WATER DEPARTMENT rrrNr--- rrr- NNrrr-N $ 489870.00 PUNNING DEPARTMNT--rrrrr-rrrrrN-rrr~t-rsrN $ 29000.00 RECREATION DEPARTMENT rrrr~rrrrrrrN-rN•rrN $ 10000.00 4 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Nrrrrrrl.r-NrNr-----rNr $ 2,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSE N-- $ 93,163.00 . . GEHRAL FUND DISBURSEWNTS CITY OF SOUIEiIAM DEPARTMNT - ADmnmTRATIVE DE BkRTNENT SALARIES A` EMRS EXPENSE rr~A•r~•@i~iiwiirir•wiiirrrrw•rrNr Y 200,00 CITY ATTORNEY RET&IMER awrriiri rirNiiirrrwr 900000 CORPORATION COURT •riirrNiriNwwrrrirrrrrrrrr 1.200.00 r OFFICE SUPPLIES AND POSTAGE rrwN--N- $ 300.00 UTILITIES r T&T, TPL, GAS $ 960.00 AUDITOR aiiirrsiwiirrwrarsrsrriNirriwiwwri 400.00 EIBCTIAN FEES -•-wirrNwrrriarwrwNrswwwrrrr $ 150,00 ~ INSURANCE iiiwriririrrrriirrrwri-srsrNiirrN 250.00 r MAX ASSESSOR •rriiMrwriira..rirrr.irr•..rrrir $1,200900 TOTAL $ 5,560.00 - GEWERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS CITY OF SOUTHIARE ar DEPARTMENT - CITY SECRETARY SAIARY -•------------a-arrrr---.r-----~ $ 4,800.00 TRANSPORTMON AND EXPENSE ••-•-•-arrrrrr-a--a- $ 100.00 -a rr----aar-arrr-r-arr-- NikTERIAL AMID SUPPLIES $ 250.00 OFFICE EQUIPENT r---rr--sa--ra-war--r.~w.r---r- $r 0.00+ Total $ 5,400.00 a a x rw. sm W W MAW Itaw MOM 1. #AMR= amom 2f 1 K AUSNUO 3"loo 3* m GAR $0,000 4. It MINNI Xk.r so a" As CM a m r if 20310 W ~ M.90 E so AtLIZOM UNION or "MI SCM& 300000 c r. ar GENERAL FUND DISBUREMNTS CITY OF SOUTHIAKE DEPARTMENT • FIRE a SAIARIES FIRE CHIEF •-N---••-•-NN--~I--•-.,••----N-• $ 19200.00 ASSI.FIRE CHIEF •----••--•-----•-------N-N- $ 600.00 DISPATCHER --------•-------N---N-N------- $ 2.500.00 RADIO N----NN---•~-N---•--•----•--------- $ 500.00 MAINTENCE OF EQUIPMENT NN------N---..- $ 500.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES ------•---•----•--N----••--- $ 60.00 TEJZPHONa --------N••-•----•----NN-------- $ 140.00 GAS AND OIL $ 240.00 INS VL1i7L71.1Pa -•--N-----------N-N--N-N-N-N $ 100.00 NEW FIRE 2a TRUCK -------••---N------------- 750=00 TOTAL $ 69590.00 - • 6iE18;it1L i118fl DIS~StZi~S CITY OF SODTSIm DZ 11 - MUM 1. "I"Y 1181 MMM $ 59400 2. IMIN1'BRX AIM 881MlitS 8 3,000 3. 1M USIi 3lSW 4. ST't3x= • LUM a 19800 .a 5. MTW AID CAM ~t 3tSp b. a1TSIIIS SWLUS 154 7. IMIB1TAIiCFr STO A" TANK $ 19000 8. MW AIM 4" 5000 f"t ~ 19800 90 aw WELL # 109000 10. 18DIOXML 320"0E UM $ 59000 11.EIl10 FSfS .».........,.............,........N 33,000 12. 8I1bCIlSi FM ...s...r...................~r.......«.+ ~ TML 489870 . . *r M t GENERAL FUND DISBURSEM3NTS CITY OF SOUTHIARE DEPARDIM MANNING COMMTHE MANNING AND ENGINEBRING FEES $ 29000.00 RECREATION DEPARTMsNT LAND AND EQUIPMENT $ 19000.00 DEPARTMENT - LIBRARY PURCHASE OF BOORS $ 2,000.00 r- s 3iR'