Minutes of December 3, 1968
The SoattaRke regular council meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m.
by Mayor J. L. Clow. Councilmen present were: Mike O'Brien, Buddy
Brown, Thurman Hearn, J.D. Cate. W
Minutes of Nov. 19, 1968, were read and approved as corrected.
wrseae s - December 6, 1968 has been set for public heading on the preposed
city budget at City Hall at 7:30 P.M.
- December 18, 1968, 7:30 p.m. has been set for a public hearing on ati
the preposed annexation by the City of Southlake, for the one-half mile annexiation
ordinance in City Hall. .w
Old Business - Smith Trailer Park - Mayor Clow read the minutes of a*
the Planning and Zoning Commission dated November 26, 1968. This.
board passed on the motion to accept Smith's trailer park by a majority
of three to two. After discussion by Council and on advise by City 's
attorney, Buddy Brown made the motion that the granting of permission
for Smith's Trailer park be tabled until the council adopts a Mobil Home
Ordinance for the City of Southlake, Seconded by Thurman Hearn. The m
Council voted three for and one abstain.
New Business - Buddy Brown made the motion that a non-conformity use
be granted for Martha Perry's antique shop. Seconded by Mike O'Brien.
The council voted unamaniously in favor.
Mayor Cloqystated that W. Glover from Lone Star Gas wished to know when •
the council was ready for ribbon cutting publicity concerning natural
gas service for Southlake. The council was in agreement that they
should wait until absolute completion. 6r
Trailer permits for Victor Melting and Jack Dyer were next on the agenda.
Buddy Brown made the motion the council grant Victor Melting a temporary
six month trailer permit to allow him time to despose of his property. m
Seconded by Thruman Hearn. The council voted unamaniously in favor.
Thruman Hearn made the motion that the council instruct Police Chief Inca
to issue a citation to Jack Dyer in violation of City Ordinance No. 96. s
Seconded by J. D. Cate. Usawanaams-Ly in favor of.
Police Department - Police Car. Mike O'Brien made the motion that police r,
Chief Ince be granted permission to purchase a new police car. Seconded
by Buddy Brown and passed uamman*ew"y by the council.
Telephone - Buddy Brown made the motion to install separate telephone#mu '
for the police department. Seconded by Thruman Hearn. unmaniously
passed by the council.
The police department monthly account was read to the council and a copy
attached to these minutes.
Mr. Goodnight was asked to check city ordinance on junk yard.
Thruman Hearn made the motio~to adjourn. Seconded by J. D. Cate.
- 1W
J. L. Clow, Mayor
December 3, 1968 `
The regular meeting of the Southlake City Council was called to order at
7:45 p.m. by Mayor J. L. Clow. Councilmen present were: Mike O'Brien, Buddy e
Brown, Thurman Hearn and J. D. Cate. r
Minutes of November 19, 1968 were read and approved as corrected. it,
December 6, 1968 has been set for public hearing on the proposed city
budget at City Hall at 7:30 p.m.
December 18, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. has been set for a public hearing on the
proposed annexation bythe City of Southlake, for the one-half mile annexation
ordinance. To be held in the City Hall.
Old Business: Smith Trailer Park. Mayor Clow read the minutes of the r
Planning and Zoning Commission dated November 26, 1968. This board passed on n
the motion to accept Smith's trailer park by a majority of three to two. After
discussion by the Council and on advice by the City Attorney, Buddy Brown made
the motion that the granting of permission for Smith's Trailer Park be tabled h
until the council adopts a Mobil Home Ordinance for the City of Southlake.
Seconded by Thurman Hearn. The Council voted three for and one abstained.
New Business: Buddy Brown made the motion that a non-conformity use be n
granted for Martha Perry's antique shop. Seconded by Mike O'Brien. The
Council voted unanimously in favor.
Mayor Clow stated that W. Glover from Lone Star Gas wished to know when
the Council was ready for ribbon cutting publicity concerning natural gas
service for Southlake. The council was in agreement that they should wait
until absolute completion.
Trailer permits for Victor Melting and Jack Dyer were next on the agenda.
Buddy Brown made the motion that the Council grant Victor Melting a temporary
six month trailer permit to allow his time to dispose of his property.
Seconded by Thurman Hearn. Carried unanimously. Thurman Hearn made the '
motion that the Council instruct Police Chief Inca to issue a citation to
Jack Dyer in violation of City Ordinance No. 96. Seconded by J. D. Cate.
Carried unanimously.
J!oJtce Department: Police Car. Mike O'Brien made the motion that Police "
Chief Inca be granted permission to purchase a new police car. Seconded by
Buddy Brown and passed unanimously by the Council.
Telephone: Buddy Brown made the motion to install a separate telephone
number for the police department. Seconded by Thurman Hearn. Unanimously
passed by the council. m
The Police Department monthly account was read to the Council and a copy
attached to these minutes.
Mr. Goodnight was asked to check the-,-city ordinance on junk yards.
Thurman Hearn made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by J. D. Cate. f
Carried unanimously.