1968-11-05 i COUNCIL I MTIDiG CITY OF SOUTHLAKB November 5, 1968 ,W ' The regular meeting of the Southlake City Council was called to order at r 7:30 p.m. by Mayor J. L. Clow. Councilmen present were: Thurman Hearn, Mille O'Brien, J. D. Cate, Jr., J. J. Carlile and Buddy Brown. Police Chief Inca * was also present. The minutes of October 15, 1968 were read and approved as corrected. Under old Business: r Mayor Clow informed the Council that the 90 day period had lapsed on the ' half mile annexation ordinance. Thurman Hearn read the entire contents of said ordinance to the Council. Buddy Brown made the motion that the Council proceed with this annexation ordinance per corrections as follows: (1) Wherever the name Tarrant County appears in this document, it is to be replaced with Tarrant County and Denton County. (2) In section 2, change the spelling of Troop to read Throop. (3) In section 3, change the spelling of lease to least. J. J. Carlile seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. ' The date of 19th. of November was tentatively set for y publication ini,the 44 Grapevine Sun. The second item under old business was the discussion of the city budget. The date of November 26, 1968 was set for a public hearing to be held in the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. to present the budget. Notice to be published in the Grapevine Sun newspaper. ~r► Under New Business: 1. The City Secretary was instructed to write to the Lake Side Sani- tation Co. and warn Mr. Savage against allowing trash to fall from his truck. 2. The Council approved Mike O'Brian and Buddy Brown contacting Dick Lewis in an effort to get improvement of Southlake roads. 3. The Council advised that Martha's Art Supply Shop application be made first to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 4. Thurman Hearn made the motion that the city, on recommendation of the Police Chief Inca, buy uniform for Policeman Ken Kelly in the amount of r $45.00. The action was seconded by Buddy Brown. Pasled unanimously. a 5. Chief of Police Salary: J. J. Carlile made the motion that Police Chief's salary be raised to $600.00 a month beginning the first of November. r The Council voted unanimously for after a second by J. D. Cate. 6. Water Commissioners Salary: Mike O'Brien made the motion to increase a J. J. Carlile's salary to $175 and $275 pick=up expense. Buddy Brown seconded the motion. The vote was four votes for and one abstension. 7. City Manager: J. J. Carlile told the Council that they should think about having a city manager for Southlake. This was tabled for the „ time being. 8. Radio dispatching was discussed by the Council, but no final action was taken. Page 2 Council Meeting November 5, 1968 k 9. W. C. X. Gordon was present to ask the Council if they were in- terested in having the Northeast Cities Advisory council study further the possibility of a common dispatcher and a co=on jail for the county. The council said they were interested in obtaining more information. 10. J. J. Carlile was asked to be the official representative for the ' Northeast Advisory Council, which would be held at Southlake City Hall November 7, 1968. 11. Mr. C. M. Gordon was asked by Mayor Clow if something could be done a~X by the Planning and Zoning Commission to speed up completion plans with Carter and Burgess.F Ymr. Mayor Clow informed the Council of the Volunteer Fire and Police Dept. plan to sell Christmas trees this season and encouraged everyone to par- ticipate. A copy of the October Police Report is attached to these minutes. Mike O'Brien made the motion to adjourn and was seconded by Buddy Brown. The motion was passed unanimously. Approved: ~w. J _ m Mayor City Secretary m s - f C ITY OF SOUTH LAKE INCORPORATED 1956 PHONE 289-2200 P. O. BOX 868 SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76051 Iiovabar.1,1968 Honorable Mayor and City Council. 40 lbifca Department Report for the month of October Tickets issued in Sept.---- 37) thirty Severna ar Tiakats issued in Oct. ( 42) Forty Two Tickets dismissed. 5) viva Tickets served in 'ail. (3) Three Tickets issued in Oct. by D.P.S. ( 39 ) Thirty Dins Fines paid in Sept.---- 4368.00 Pines paid in Oct.---4577.50 D.P.S. Fines paid in Oct.--$275.50 vines due . ------#462.50 D.P.S. vines due.--- ;305.50 Traffic Accidents in Sept. ( 6) Six Traffic Accidents in Oct. (13} Thirteen dumber of calls in Sept. ( 56) fifty Six Humber of calls in Oct. ( 60) Sixty - Police Vehicle Nsintenaws, for h"*. Oct. Gasoline used in Sept. 364 Sale Gasoline used in Oct. --.----394 Sale s Mil" driven in Sept. ----39686 Miles driven in Get. --4,#006 Average mileage in Sept-------- 10.1 Average mileage in Oat.------*- 10.6 Oil ( 5) Five quarts Rebuild Carb and repair exhaust 26.69 Replacement of one tiro. ~ 9.75 Res fully tted r y - ~r r low, ol ~ r i r - a i I i