1968-09-17 Minutes of September 17,1968 The regular meeting of the Southlake City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor J. L. Clow. Councilmen present were: Buddy Brown, Mike O'Brien, J.J. Carlile b J. D. Cate and Thurman Hearn. City Attorney and Chief of Police were also present. Minutes of September 3, 1968 were approved as read. Under old business - Mayor Clow asked for report of a proposed budget for the Police Department. After several suggestions and discussion, the council agreed to look at the police pperation again the first of January 1969. The topic of police chief's raise in salary was left pending until the first of November. A motion was made by J. Carlile and seconded by Thurman Hearn that the council hire additional help in the police department for $15.00 for oue twelve hour shift, personal to be selected by Police Chief. It carried unamaniously. The old need of additional water supply for the city was brought out by the water superintendent. Mayor Clow asked Mike O'Brien if he would contact W. Raven to head a committee to look into ways of additioal water supply for the city. Under the heading of city taxes. An estimated $23,700 was quoted for the city taxes for the year 1968. Thurman Hearn made the motion that the city hire Mr. M.B. Whiteside as tax acessor for $100.00 per month for the year 1969. Seconded by Buddy Brown. Unamanious. Glen Goodnight talked of possible settlement with trailer offenders. Said he would talk with ft. Clyde about this. The hearing should be on Monday the 21th.Glen Goodnight said that he would help draw up road easement plans for Mr. Rockenbaugh. The City Council discussed the pending zoning ordinance with city attorney. General Information Buddy Brown made a motion to accept annexiation of F. L. Cate property. Seconded by Mike O'Brien. Unamanious. . Jail cell equipment to come in right away. Police Chief Inc* stated that the radio license would be in by the first of October. The motion to adjourn was made by Thurman Hearn and seconded by Buddy Brown. Unman. Approved By: aG yor City Secretary