1968-10-01 ' e City of Southlake Minutes of October 1, 1968 The Southlake City Council Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Clow at 7:30 p.m. Councilmen present were: Thurman Hearn, J, D. Cate, J. J. Carlile and Mike O'Brien. Minutes of September 17, 1968 were approved as corrected. Discussion of creating an auxiliary police force was the first item of business by the council. An ordinance creating such was submitted by Police Chief Inca for each councilmen to read. Mayor Clow then entertained a motion to act on this ordinance. Councilmen Hearn made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 156 Creating an Auxiliary Police and Civil Defense Force. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien and voted unamanious by the council. Notice of the 3o new Ordinance should be published in the newspaper, and a copy to be attached to these minutes. The second order of business was to act on a municipal maintenance ord'i_nance from the State Highway Department. Councilman Hearn made the motion that the council adopt the municipal Maintenance Ordinance as sum- Bitted by the State Highway Department. Seconded by J. D. Cate. It carried unaman ously. Add't onal water resource for the city was next on the agenda. Council- man O'Brien was asked if he would set up a meeting with Mr. George Raven to &,scuss possible ways to obtain future water for Southlake. Mr. Hearn said that he would bring this subject of water up at the Northeast Advisory Council Meeting to be held October 3, 1968. The 1969 city budget was discussed by the council. Councilman Hearn was asked to take the lead in forming a preliminary budget with target date to be not later than November. The proposed plans for an airport just outside the city limits was discussed at length by the @ouncil. It was with the approval of the council that a letter should be written to the Federal Aviation Administration to seek postponement due to the fact that that property was in the process of being annexed by the city and that the people most affected by this airport had not been sufficiently informed of it being built. Earl Williams?appointed by Mayor Clow to serve on the Planning & Zoning .A Board. The council unamaniously approved this appointment. Mayor Clow told of a possible franchise with the telephone company to bring greater service to Southlake. This plan to be explained further by a representative of thelTelephone Comapny at a future meeting. Police Chief Ince submitted the monthly report from the Police Department. This report is attached to these minutes. ,,Jr J. Carlile motioned for adjournment. Seconded by Hearn. Unaman. APPROVED BY: . City Secretary Mayor CITY OF SMTMLAKE tN COR*OR ATtO I$" TARRANT COUNTY In. O. Box "a SOUTMLAKIY. TEXAS 70091 Oet. 1019" l aaabIs lfa7w aced city Coeweil. ft2loo D*nrtmm* Repm4 for the loath of Sept. 'Plaints loosed to Avg..-..* (4) four 4lebAs lowed in 3o~p~.•-- c W Thirty 3evm '!'loco !laid in Aw. * 020.00 rime Pale in Sept = 36x100 p2me Due. ! 370000 'haffle Aeeid*As in Aug.----* TWO 'He Me Aeeide■ts in 3*09-------* six wed r of cells in Aug.- wine §06e1 of Cabo in 304..------.~' Fifty 312 Police Vehlele VaiatoMnee for Sept %ftum -A ...u. * • )64 dale %a u6M ® moo a4bw r"airc. * = 12.V p►a 5 / Dryle Ipso MAN'ANCR NO.IL~ WMAS a rsesessity, etirists for trained parpealel to bo avsn3lablo in case of a srat'Iesnai wergoaW and whereas a possibility wd ets that there eould be a local smargency, owe a there will be a used rem additional officers other than the regalar poll** Officers, Tom' TIMIFOR10 AB IT ORDAT'[ BY THE BOARD OF COUMTIM OF TH CSTT OF S0;QAI 0 TVASI IM 3 . An auxiliary police force is hereby established.' The auxiliary for ap shaft be under t%t sa visissit of thi chief of police, subject to the erdinanc0$ of the MY Of 904thl.ako, fma, lams of the state of Texas, and the Uwe of the T.Wtod Skates. 3ssa..2. There shall be'appoiateed by the mayor, subject to the approval of the BOSM ems Comwila, such wabor of awdliary, policeman as the Board wale direct. All- awdlipoliceman shall be of pod moral *character and shall hold office eub3eeat to the will of the Hoard of Cousellman. All awdli wT policemen shall take the "Was prescribed by the law and after such Oath, the *Y*r shall issue a conwivision. SUM= - All awdliary policonea shall wear uniforms p~acribed by, the Board of Cc lmen and shall wear a badge as prescribed by the Seard, however such badge shall haver the words wRoservae polices" as it. SUM9M 6.. The Chief of police shall set a a traintag program in ardor that the amciliary pilitestaesrt shall boom* prefident in the police work and especially in the evacuation procedures and catastrsphies. soot'= 2. While said policemam are on duty and tinder the supervision of a regular policeman of the city$ they shall have the right to carry sad use firearms to the same ottesnt as a regular policeman but as authority is Si.von ,ender this ordim awe6 to pernit any auxiliary policeman to carry fig when he is off duty., 3841" It- The a(aeiliary policeman shall net receive a salary from the city, hsw6 ever the city sang, at the dlseretio n of the Berard ad Comwiluen, pctrehase oquiptuent for the auxiliary policemen. S&CUM-SI. This ordinance shall beeeme effective from and as it is passed. AT)OPTBC THIS DAY OF OC?`O IM#196a. ~ L CL~1 MA7f~t. MISS T+fO MISoVs SRCMAPT