Minutes of September 3, 1968
The Southlake City Council Regular Meeting was called bo order at 7:30 p.m. ,
4)by Mayor J. L. Clow. Councilmen present were: Thurman Hearn, J. J. Carlile,
J. D. Cate, Buddy Brown and Mike O'Brien. Glen Goodnight, City Attorney, and
the City's Chief of Police, Doyle Inca were also present. '
The minutes of August 20, 1968 were approved as read.
Under Old Business - L. City attorney informed the council that the trailer
and annexiation court hearing would be the week of September 23 thru 28th, 1968.
Mr. Freddie Cate was. present to find out more about the process of becoming '
annexed into the city of Southlake. The citlis attorney was able to advise him
of the proper procedure to take.
Mayor Clop stated that the Planning Board pea meeting September 3, 1968 With
Carter & Burgess and that on September 10, 1968 the City Planners would held a
public meeting in the Carroll School Cafetorium at 7:30 p.m. Notification would
be placed in the Grapevine Sun.
Under general information - Lone Star stated that by October the entire city would have
would have natural gas. It is now 60% complete.
Bob Messina, Dick Drummond, and Gail Hargadine served on the tax equalization
board with W. Hhiteside . Conducted smoothly with minor complaints to city taxes. '
Bob Messina was asked by the Nayor to audit water books at this date and at
® the end of year.
Assistant Fire Chief position is still open.
Buddy Brown made a motion that the city donate $50.00 to the Matthew family. t
Thurman Hearn seconded the motion and it carried unamanidwaly.
The Chief of Police presented the council with reports of the police depart- '
ment since his beginning two weeks ageo. He suggested that we write to the Grape-
vine Police Chief, thanking the police department for their cooperation with the
city's new police chief. '
Thurman Hearn, Buddy Brown and Mike O'Brien was asked by the mayor to work on
proposed salaries in the Police Department.
Roger Baird reported on the insurance for the city. Buddy Brown made the
motion that the council adopt the OL & T Insurance Policy for the city. J. J. C
Carlile seconded the motion and it carried unamanioubly.
The city secretary was instructed to write to the County Commissioner, Dick
Lewis, informing him of the urgent need for road maintenance in Southlake. ,
Buddy Brown motioned for adjornment, seconded by Thurman Hearn. Unamanious.