1968-08-20 ' Min es of t 0, 1968 The Southlake Regular Cofincill,emosqp , tp• iarr at 7;30 P.M. by Mayor J. L. Clow. Councilmen present were: J. J. Carlile, J. D. Cate, Buddy Brown and Mike O'Brien. ' The minutes of August 6, 1968 were approved as corrected. Mayor Clow asked if anyone in the audience had anything to bring up before the council. Mr. Moffat, who would be late in arriving, was put on the agenda to speak in behalf of the voluntary fire department. Under old business, the audience was informed that the trailer and annex- iation court hearing had been post-pond until the week of August 26 thru 318t. 1968. Under recommendation from Carter & Burgess the council reviewed the 701 plan for the city. Buddy Brown made the ms` tion to give Carter & Burgess the authority to file an application f the 701 plan for the city. Mike O'Brien seconded the motion an namaniously approved by the council. Mr. Doyle Ince was introduced as the new chief of police for Southlake, to began full time the first of September. W. Carlile made the motion that the city have air-conditions installed in the Police car.for $50.00. It was seconded by Mr. Cate and~arried unamaniously. The council was reminded that the Board of Equalization for city taxes would be Saturday. August 31, 1968 from 9 A:..M.'to 1:00 P. M. Mr. Bell, from Bell Communications a present to talk about radio egpipmant for the city. He stated that we should apply in Austin for a permit for 400 MC Channel. Mr. Bell estimated the cost to convert the existing fireman's equipment.to be $300 to $325 . He also gave a maintenance contract proposal which the council stated they would discuss and let him know their decision. The regular meeting of the Planning Board will be August 29, 1968. Police Chief was authorised by City Council to order fingerprinting equip- ment. It vas estimated to cost $41.00. Mr. Moffat, fire chief, told the council that the men in the fire department wanted to elect their own officers. Mr. Bob Steele submitted his resignation as a ai fire chief. No action was taken at this time so the position as rll~f remains open. Mr. Cate made the motion for council adjournment. Seconded by Mr. Carlile. Unamanious. Approved by: City Secretary yor G,I TY.` Cf SOUTH':L_AK.E. INco-RPaR ATED v9se P14UNE 2139-22M P. M BOX 668. 50UTKLAKE.. TEXAS 7*081 "pt; 1. 398 1000 a J* l"yor City Qe""i:l f Report for the Wath of "go1.96 i ce.,.-....-......~ $10.98 fives due-«--- -450.00 T Klee is issued in Aug.----- 4 Traffic Accidents in. Aug- Number of calls answered in Aug.----- 9 • Car maintenance for loliee Dept for Aug,l%8 Gasoline used -..•---,.....•88gels Align front end----d----45.00 Instatll Air cond---_$55.00 1 Ii.les Driven-----,..._,,.762 Avers$* mileage---8.7 R" full Su :Ltlt*d y e Two mill" 70-77 11111111MOMINN