Minutes of Ausgust 6, 1968
The Soutkl4 a City Council regular meeting me called to order at 7:30 P. M.
by Mayor Clog. Councilmen l+resenti-were: J. D, Cate, Thurman Hearn, Buddy
BroMn and ]tike O'Brien. The Minutes of July 16; 1968, ware approved as read.
The legality of adopting the Standard Building Code.by the city we questioned
by hike O'Brien. He was informed that it was legal.
The Council was presented with a finicial statement of the city's operations for
the first six months of 1968. This was studied by the Council and questions
were answered,
Mayor Clow stated that a new typewriter was needed for the city. The Council
members agreed that one should be pruchased as soon as possible.
Mr. Freddie Cate was present to ask of the Council the procedure to follow in
becoming annexed to the City of Southlite.
the trailer and annexiation court hearing was called off by the city's attorney
and rescheduled for August 12, 1968.
Now Business: The Mayor stated that a board of equalisation was needed for
City taxes. He also stated that it would have to be published in the newspaper a
siaisns of ten days prior to the hearing. Mr. Hearn we asked to secure three
qualified citizens of Southlake to serve on the equalization board.
It. Hearn gave resume of the North Texas Regional Airport Committee. He
Wormad the Council as to hop Southlake would benefit by joining. Buddy Brown made
the nation we pass a resolution to become a somber of this orgination. It was
seconded by J. B. Cate and carried unanimously.
Bob Messina, from the planning board committee told of the good attendance they
had had at their-meetings. He said that the planning board committee was planning to
have a public hearing the 5th of September, 1968, and that they planned to advertise
it in the newspaper.-
Mr. Wayne Cool was present to apply for the job of Chief of Police. No action
was taken at this time.
Mayor Clow said that the nice grading around the city hall was done by the
county. He asked the council if they approved of having paving laid in front of
the fire truck entrance and their answer Man yes.
Thurman Bears made the motion that the council adjourn. Seconded by Buddy Browa.
It we unanimously carried.
Approved by:
' Secretary Ma
r.' ..raS:• i y
PHONE 289-2200
P. 0. BOX 868
Minutes of August 6, 1968
The Southlake City Council regular meeting was called to order at 700 p.m.
by Mayor Clow. Councilmen present were: J. D. Cate, Thurman Hearn, Buddy
Brown and Mike O'Brien. The minutes of July 16, 1968 were approved as read.
The legality of adopting the Standard Building Code by the city was questioned
by Mike O'Brien. He was enformed that it was legal.
The council was presented with a finicial statement of the city's operations
for the first six months of 1968. This was studied by the council and
questions were answered.
Mayor Clow stated that a new typewriter was needed for the city. The
council members agreed that one should be purchased as soon as possible.
Mr. Freddie Cate was present to ask of the council the procedure to follow
in becoming annexed to the city of Southlake. '
The trailer and annexiation court hearing was called off by the city's attorney
and rexcheduled for August 12, 1968.
New Business! The mayor stated that a board of equalisation was needed for
city taxes. He also stated that it would have to be published in the
new in f ten ys pro to e>r Mr. Hearn s„asked
Mr. Hearn gave a resume of the North Texas Regional Airport Committee.
He informed the council as to how Southlake would benefit by joinung.
Buddy Brown made the motion we pass a resolution to become a member of this
orgination. It was seconded by J. D. Cate and carried unamaniously.
Bob Mussina, from the planning board committee told of the good attendance
they had had at their meetings. He said that the planning board committee
was planning tohave a public hearing the sosemd- ►s a b y,
and that they planned to advertise it in the newspaper. S•"/9~
-Mr. Wayne Cook was present to apply for the job of Chief of Police. No
action was taken at this time.
Mayor Clow said that the nice grading around the city hall was done by the
county. He asked the council i.'.obey approved of having paving laid in
front of the fire truck entrance and their answer was yes.
Thurman Hearn made the motion that the council adjourn. Seconded by
Buddy Brown. It was unsmanious in favor.
Approved ,
Mayor City Secrete