1968-07-02 ' City of Soathlake Minutes of Regular Meeting July 2, 1968 The regular meeting of the Somtklake City Council was called to order by Mayor J. L. Clow a6 700 p. m. The minutes of June 18 and minutes of Special Meeting of Juno 259 1968 were approved as read. Councilmen present were : Boddie Brown, J. D. Cate. J. J. Carlilo, and Mike 0=Brien. Bob Mussing, representative from the Southlake Planning and Zoning Beard, recommended to the council that Bennie Barris's grocer store plans be approved. After the eskmoil reviewed Mr. Barris' plans, J: J. Carlile made the motion that the council rezone this property for grocery store. In the event the grocery stare is over closed, the zoning would revert to the original zoning. J. D. Cate seconded the motion. It was unamanious in favor. Mr. Barris said this was to be a turn-key job with a fence to ' be built around parts of store within one month. Roger Baird gave a report on highways concerning the city of Southlake. He stated that three main thoroughfares were now being studied by the State Highway department that definitely affected our city. He recom- mended that the city make special effort to be represented at future meeting of the highway department and go before the Commissioner Court to Voice ' present and future needs of roads in Southlake. Mr. Boddie Brown was asked by Mayor Clow if he would be personally responsible to see that this • was done. Mr. Brown said he would. 1 The following men were asked by Mayor Clow to serve on the Planning and Zoning Board. Bob Rockenbaugh, Lemon Ragsdale, Johnny Tate, Bennie Harris Buster Lee and Gail Hargadine. Mr. Gail Hargadine said that he would be ' willing to serve. Mr. Baird presented the council with a proposed list of fines suitable for Southlake. The council agreed to look this over pending action until ' next meeting. Mayor Clow said that 16 miles of gas had been turned on in the city. Mr. Eubank and 2 other representAtives of Associometrics were present to give detailed report of haw their computer system could serve Southlake. No action was taken on this. Boddie Brown made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mike O'Brien. Unam. Approved byt Mayor City Secretary