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City of Southlake Minutes of March 19. 1968 ' The Southlake City Council was called to order by Mayor Clow at 7:30 P. M. Council men present were: J. D. Cate, Thurman Hearn, W. h• Crumbaker and Earl Wrriiams. Minutes of March 5, 1968 were read and approved as corrected. Old Business-- A check was presented to the city for the City's Library from 3 Tarrant County in the amount of $2,000. Earl Williams made the motion that the city give the money to the Carroll School Library. Thurman Hearn seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. A check for $160.00 had been received from the National Auto Insurance Co. for water damages. Balance in Water Account (minus April Deposits) $ 9,974.08 Building Account . . . . . . . . 964.92 City Account . . . 1,761.49 Gas . . . . . 30.71 New Business-- Mr. Bradford, representing Carter & Burgess Eng. Firm was present with the City Planning Contract. Discussion on various parts of the contract followed. Mr. Bradford agreed to make a presentation of the future plans for the City of Southlake at a public meeting at the Carroll School Cafetorium on April 2, 1968. Thurman Hearn made the motion that the Mayor be authorized to sign the city planning contract with Carter and Burgess. This contract was to include the addition of an attachment letter allowing the city to terminate at any time. (Article 5, paragraph 1.) J. D. Cate seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Thurman Hearn made the motion that the council adjourn. Earl Williams seconded the motion and the entire Council was in agreement. Approved by City Secretary V%Ry~d aB 1 1 City of Southlake Minutes of March 19. 1968 The S©uthlakc City Council was called to order by Mayor Clog at 7:30 p.m. Councilmen present were ; J. D. Cate,Jr., Thurman Hearn, W. H. Crumbaker and Earl Williams. Minutes of March 5, 1968 were read and approved as corrected. Old Business - A check for $2,000 had been presented to city from Tarrant County for City's Library. Earl Williams made the_39.Um that we give this money to Carroll School Library. Thurman Hearn seconded the motion and-it carried unamaniously. A check for $160.00 had been received from the folo $J0 OOJI )V National Auto Insurance f Compares for water damages. Balance in Water Account (minus April dernosits) $9,974.08 Bldg Account 964.92 City Account 1,761.49 y Gas 30,71 New Business - Mr. Bradford, representing Carter & Burgkess Eng. Firm was present with +he City Planning Cont.r~ct. Discussion on various parts ~f 'he contract followed. Mr. Bradford agreed to make a presentation of the future plans for the City of Southlake at a public meeting at -'he Carroll School Cafetoriolim on Apr:-1 2, 1968. Thurman Hearn made a mo„„itJqA_that the M yor be authorised to sign the city planning contract with Carter 8 Burgfcese. This contract was to include the dh a~dch M~n~f- I e Ef~r~.a /low ih o ~h P e rf ~ -Lo ~~~-in ~ n~!~e ~ f ~ .l addition of Article 5, paragraph 1. ' J. D. Cate seconded the motion. It carried unamaniously. Thurman Hearn made the motion that the council adjourn. Earl Williams seconded the motion and the entire council was in agreemsnt X4 W I: