1968-03-05 City of Southlake Minutes of March 5. 1968 The Southlake City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor J.L. Clow. Councilmen present were J.J. Carlile, J.D. Cate, W.H. Croabaker, Thurman Hearn and Earl Williams. The minutes of February 6, 1968 were read and approved as corrected. Ben Thompson and Ed Emett of Lone Star Gas Co. gave the Council a progress report on the gas situation. Approval has been granted from the Federal Power Commission. They advised that the Installation Charts have been drawn up and in most cases the gas lines would be on the side of the road opposite the water lines. They reported work should be started on laying the mains by April 1. Approximately 350 applicaHts have signed for gas. Mayor Clow asked about the clause in the Franchise, stating the system would be in operation in 6 months after the Franchise was signed. Mr. Emett advised that if would take slightly longer than the June deadline, but he gave the Council every assurance that the system mould be completed once it was started. It. C.M. Gordon of the Planning and Zoning Board recomended that the soniag requ"t of Mrs. VU lta q aad-Mrs. Tavener be approved. Motion was made by J.D. Cate, that the Zoning request of Mrs. Tavener, be granted with the stipulation that if this place of business is ever sold it will revert to the original zoning. J.J. Carlile seconded the motion and it carried unanamiously. Motion was made by Earl Williams that the zoning request of Mrs. Williams be granted with the stipulation that if this place of bus9ness is ever sold it reverts back to the original zoning. Thurman Hearn seconded the notion and it carried unanamiously. Dick Drummond presented to the city a change in the restrictions of Southlake Park. All changes will be attached to these minutes. Rodger Baird submitted to the Council a set of plans to build a business on his property which had already been zoned commercial. Motion was made by Earl Williams that the plans be accepted, provided they meet city ordinance and building codes. J.J. Carlil& seconded the motion and it carrried unanimously. e Page 2 Mr. Carney asked the status on his plan for changing zoning on his 39 acres tract to multiply family dwelling. After a lengthy discussion Mr. Carney was asked to present this to the Plaunivg Board in a more orderly plan on his land. Mr. Gordon requested that it be made a part of the minutes that he offered to help Mr. Carney with his plans. Mr. Carney requested that it be made a part of the minutes that he would be willing to met with Mr. Gordon. Mr. Calvin Miles asked why it took so ]dag to ahuire building permits. Mr. Miles was advised t~*--Council would look into the matter. It. Ratcliff advised he had property in Colleyville that the city of Hurst was in the process of reading into their boundaries. He asked that the Council join him in asking the courts to enjoin the city of Hurst from reading the discribed property. City Attorney, Ben McClure, advised Mr. Yatcliff to have his attorney draw up the necessary papers to present his case to the city council for their approval. Mr. Hall asked for an explanation of the trailer ordinance. The ordinance was read and explained to him. Mr. Carlile introduced It. Cline and advised the Council that Mr. Crins Odldiralidve him df•.hidlwater duties for a period of 45 days. Thurman Hearn made motion for the Council to adjourn. Barl Williams seconded the motion and ti carried unanimously. I~ Approved by? JQZ Mayor ~~~GGOJe.J ~ l City Secretary i C r' C ( I i M ( 7 City of Southlake Minutes of March 5. 1968 The Southlake City Council ims called to or0er at 7:30 pm by Mayor J. L. Clow. Councilmen present were J. J. Carlile, J. D. Cate, W. H. Crumbaker, Thurman *arn and Earl Williams. The minutes of February 6, 1968 were read and approved as corrected. Ben Thompson nd Ed Emmett of Lone Star Gas Co. gatrs the Ceunbll'44, r,p gross report on the gas situation. Approval has been granted from the Federal Pewer Commission. They advised that the Installation Charts have been drawn up and in most cases the gas lines would be on the Bide of the road opposite the water lines. They reported work should be started on laying the mains by April 1. Approximately ~150.applicants have signed for gas. Mayor Crow ask about the clause in the ranchise , stating the systen would be in operation in 6 months after the Franchise was signed. Mr. Emmett advised that it would take slightly I longer than the June Deadline, but he gave the Council every assurance that the system would be completed once it was started. Mr. C. M. Gordon 4kllthe Planning and Zoning Board recommended that the zoning request of Mrs. id'illiams and Mrs. Tavener be approved. Motion was made by J. D. Cate, that the Zoning request of Mrs. Tavener, be ' granted with the stipulation that if this place of business is ever sold it will revert to the original zoning. J. J. Carlile seconded the motion and it carried unanamieusly. Motiox was made by earl Williams that the zoning request of Mrs. Williams be granted with the stipulation that if this place of business is ever sold it reverts back to the original zoning. Thurman Hearn seconded the motion and it carried unanimuub*y. Dick Drummond presented to the city a change in the restrictions of Southlake Park. / /l rt~;rtLI* Roger Baird submitted to the Council a set of plans to build a. business on his property which had already been zoned commercial. Motion was made by EIr1 Williams that the plans be accepted, provided they meCt idllnanc"and building cedes. J. J. Carlile seconded the motion anditt carried unanimously. Mr. Carney ask the status on his plan for changing zoning on his 39 acres tha6t 0 multiply family dwelling: After a lenghty discussion Mr. Carney was ask to p es nt this to the Planning Board in a more orderly plan on his land. Mr. d requested that it be made a part of the minutes that he offered to help Mr. Carney with his plans. Mr. Carney requested that it be made a part of the tinutes that he would be willing to meet with Mr. fierAon. Mr. Calvin Mils ask why it took so long to aquire building permits. Mr. page 2 Miles was advised the,Council would look into.~he matter. ~}ew ilLe Mr. Ratcliff advised he had property in, ke that the city of Hurst was in the process of reading into their boundaries. He ask that the Council j61n him in asking the coutts toe0oin the city of Hurst from reading the discribed property. City Attorney, Ben McClure, advised Mr. ROtcliff to Wive his attorney draw up the necessary papers to present his case to the city council for their approval. Mr. Hall ask for an explanation of the trailer ordinance. The ordinance was read and explained to him. Mr. Carlile introduced Mr. Cline and advised the Council that Mr. Cline would -VL e his of his water duties for a period of 45 days. re We've Thurman Hearn made motion for the Council to adjourn, Earl Will4ams seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Approved by: Mayor City Secretary l I II ~I