City ol, Southlake
M vrr Minutes of February 6, 1968
The Southlake City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
by Mayor Clow. Councimen prrsent were J. J. Carlile, J.D. Cate,
Thurman Hearn,and Earl Williams.
The minutes of January 16,1968 were read and approved as corrected.
The first order of business was a request from Mr. Taverner for the
council to approve a 121x16' building, located on her property on
Whites Chapel Road, to house a Gift Shop for the sale of Ceramics,
Paintings and other small gifts. Mrs. Taverner was advised that this
item would be turned over to the Planning and Zoning Board for their
The contract with Mr. Whiteside reguarding setting up a tax structure
for the city was discussed. Motion was made by Earl Williams that the
contract be accepted, provi(ing Mr. Whiteside agrees to attend the
Equalization Board. J. J. Carlile seconded the motion and -'!-t carried
The financial report was read: Bala-ince as of Feb. 6, 1968
City Fund --$1,808.66
C Water----- 9,298.11
Bldg. 964.92
Mayor Clow asked the council for their thoughts on placing $5,000 of
the water fund in time deposit account. Mayor Clow advised that he
would look into the interest rate or the banking firms to determine
who had the highest rate of interest.
Discussion was held on the contract with Carter and Burgess. City
Attorney, Ben McClure advised the contract was comprehensive and he
approves it. Paragraph C under Article 11 was discussed as was
Paragraph Cunder Article V. It was felt by the council that a better
understanding of these two paragraphs was needed. It was decided that
a meeting of the Planning Board was needed in the very near future
to study the con~r,:.ct and devise ways and means or raising money
to pay the services of the contract.
di Mayor Clow reported he had contracted Lane Texas reguarding the new
well and representatives or this firm would meet with him on Fri. 9,1968.
Fire Dept. Problems. An outstanding bill of $522.50 from Fabric,- Fire
Hose Company was discussed, but no action was taken.
A. Iet; er from Mrs. Virginia Williams asking permission to open a Bible
Book Store in her home was read by Mayor Clow. Also read was a petition
signed by seven of her neighbors. The council turned this matter over
to the Planning and Zoning Board for their recommendation.,
Page 2 1r
Minutes of Feb. 6, 1968
An annexation Ordinance from Ralph P. Verran and others was presented
to the council for its' consideration. A motion was made by Earl F'
Williams to accept this ordinance making it Ordinance No. 150.
It was seconded by '1.urman Hearn and carried unanmiously.
Report from Water Dept. Advent Church is now hooked up. Discussin
held reguarding Keller Water Co. Violation City Attorney advised
that we hold further discussions with Keller prior to starting lega?:
Mayor Clow advised that Marcus Wayland had volunteered to server
as building inspector. It was decided , he should present the council
with a resume listing his qualifications.
A motion was made by Thurman Hearn to cancel next Feb. 20th Council
meeting since it would conflict with a previoiusly set presentaion s
by Mr. Dean with TAMS. The motion was seconded by Earl Williams and
it carried unanamiously. th
Earl Williams led discussion reguarding poor conditinos of the roads
leading onto Highway 114. It was decided that Roger Baird would be
C asked to contact the Highway Department,:!or the contractor to see s
if this condition could be corrected. PP
J.J. Carlile made the motion for the council to adjourn. Earl Williams it
ssconded the motion and it carried unanifiously. PP
Approved by r
Q- O
City Secretary ~
City of Southlake
Minutes of February 6 19(8
The Southlake City Council Meeting was celled to order at 7;30 p.m. by Mayor
J. L. Clow. Councilmen present were J. J. Carlile, J. D. Cate, Thurman Burn
and Earl Williams.
The minutes of January 16, 19(8 were read and approved as corrected.
The firs+ order of business was a request, from Mrs Tavenner for the council
to approve a 19' x 16' building, located on her property on Whites Chapel Road,
to house a Gift Shop For the Sale of Ceramics, Paintings and other small gifts.
Mrs Tavenner was advised this item would he turned o-er to the Planning and
Zoning Board for their recommendation.
The contract with Mr. Whitesi_ft regarding setting up a tax structure for the
city was discussed. I li: on was made by Earl Williams that the contrac+ be
accepted provided Mr. Whiteside agrees t-: attend the Ea-alization Board.
J. J. Carlile seconded tl-e motion and it carried unamaniously.
The financial report was read: Balance as of February f, 1968.
City Fund -------$1,808.6(
Water 9,?98.11
Bldg. 964.92
Mayor Clow asked the council for their thoughts on placing $5,000.00 of the
water find in time r'eposit account. Mayor Clow advised he would ok into
the interest rate of tr.e banking firms to determine who had the highest
interest rate.
Discussion was held on the c-ntraet with Carter and Burgess. City Attorney,
Ben McClure advised the contract was comprehensive and he approved it.
Paragraph C ender Article TI was discussed as was Paragraph C under Article
V. It was felt by the council that a better understanding of these two
paragraphs was needed. It was decided that. a meeting of the Planning Board
was needed in the very near future to study the eont.rnet and devise ways
and means of raising money to pay for the services of tee cnntract.
Mayor Clow reported re had cont:eted Lane Texas regarding tLq, new well and
representatives of this firm would meet with him on Friday ,`19(8.
F"re Depa.rtmen+ Problems. An outsta.r_dine bill of $522.50 from Fabric Fire
Hose Company was discussed, but no action was taken.
A letter from Mrs. Virginia Williams asking permission to open a. 8=b1P Book
Store in her home was read by Mayor Clow. Also read was a petition signed
by seven of her neighbors. The council turned this matter ofer to the
Planning and Zoning Board for t!^e;r recommendation.
Page 2
Minutes of February 2, 19(8
An annexiation Ord-; _nance from Ralph P. Verran anri others was presented to the
council for its' consideration. A motion was made by Earl Williams to accept
this ordinance making it O_rdinance_ No 150, It was seconded by Thurman Hearn
and carried unamaniously.
Report from Water Dept. Advent Church water now hooked up. Discussion was
held regarding Keller Water Co. Violation. City attorney advised that we hold
further disciissions with Keller prior to starting ~Lt-614f,
~RoG(~Ara✓6t .
Mayor Clow advised that Marcus Wayland had volunteered to serve as buildil-g
i nspect.or. It was decided he should present the council with a resume listing
his oualifications.
A motion was made by'Thurman Hearn to cancel next February 20th Council
meeting since it would conflict Td th a previojasly set up presentation by
Mr. Dean with TAMS. The motion was seconded by Earl Williams and it carried op
Earl Williams led discussion regarding poor condition of the roads leading
onto Highway 114. It was decided that Roger Baird would be asked to contact'_
the Highway Department or the contractor to see if this condition could be
J. J. Carlile made the motion for the council to adjourn. Earl Williams
seconded the motion and it carried unamaniously.
Approved '-y:
Mayor City Secretary