1968-01-16 wr° CITY OF SOUTHLABE Minutes of January 16, 1968 The Southlake City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. January 16, 1968 by Mayor J. L. Clow in the City Municipal Building. Councilmen present were m J. J. Carlile, Thurman Hearn and Earl Williams. Minutes of January 2, 1968 were approved as corrected. The first order of business was outstanding bills to be paid. A total of $924.93 was due to HiWay Lumber and R. L. Higgins for lumber and plumbing on the municipal building. Bob Messina was due $150 for auditing of city n books. Earl. Williams made the motion that we pay these 3 bills. Thurman Hearn seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. ,W rr A discussion of equipment needed in the municipal building was held. There was a long list of needs, but a shortage of money was taken into consideration and chairs for the council chambers took preference. Earl f47illiams made a motion that we purchase 25 chairs. J. J. Carlile seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The need for an alternate water supply was discussed to much length but no m action was taken on this at this time. The water commissioner told of a new problem facing the water department rti which led to a new ordinance being passed by the council. Thurman Hearn made a notion that we now and in the future bill water customers a minimum W of $10.00 for tampering with the water meter. The motion was seconded by Earl Williams and carried unanimously by the council. mma Mayor Clow read the By-Lawsiof the North East Cities Advisory Council of which we recently became a member. The City Planning Board was discussed and a recommendation to hire Carter and Burgess of Ft. worth was made to the Council. Earl Williams made a motion that the Council accept the recommendation and permit the Southlake mr City Planning Board to draw up an agreement with Carter and Burgess. Thurman Hearn seconded the motion and it carried unanimously by the council. e Action was promised to be taken on Junk Yard and trash burning on Carroll Road. Earl Williams made the motion for the council to adjourn. Thurman Hearn seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. , a Zt.~c Q~ _rJ Approved by: City Secretary ~ re~- yor e 40 JANUAHy 29, 1968 40 I" SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL P. 0. Box 968 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS GENTLEMEN: All A PERMIT TO OPEN A BIBLE-BOOK-GIFT SHOP IN MY HOME IS REQUESTED. THIS WOULD INVOLVE CONVERTING ONE BEDROOM INTO AN AREA FOR DISPLAYING MERCHANDISE AND NOT AN ADDITIONAL BUILDING. AM ALSO ENCLOSING A PETITION WHICH ( PEROCNALLY -r CONTACTED NEIGHBORS IN REGARD TO SUCH ACTIVITY. WOULD APPRECIATE: YOUR EARLIEST CONSIDERATION ON ABOVE REQUEST. VERY TRULY YOURS, VIRGINIA 'NILLIAMS ROUTE 1, BOX 203 GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 1 rr ~r r 40 41 4w b r r■r~r a JANUARY 29, 1968 w Nk PETITION TO VIHOM IT MAY CONCERN; A LETTER TO THE SOUGHLAKE CITY COUNCIL REQUESTING A PERMIT a TO OPERATE A BIBLE-ROOK-GIFT SHOP IN MY RESIDENCE (NO OTHER BUILDING TO BE ERECTED) IS CEING SUBVITTED. Ilk YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW WILL CONCUR THAT SUCH ACTIVITY WILL NOT INVADE UPON YOUR PRIVACY. !ra THAN>h YOU, VIRGIA WILLIAMS i e ~ • J r w IA f$ a k