1967-11-30 r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MN1G NOV. 30. 1967 A special meeting of the Southlake City Council wps called to order byyayor MR-yor J. L. Clow a+ 7:15 p.m. in the Carroll Cafetorium. The purpose of the meeting was to present the Proposed Budget for 1968. Councilmen present were: J.J. Qarli.le, Earl Williams, Thurnt" Hearn, and J.D. Cate. Roger Baird presented the proposed budget by opening with a message from w the mayor. A complete and concise coverage was made by Mr. Baird. Questions from the audience were open at any point in the presentation. When all auestions were answered to everyone's satisfaction, the mayor entertained a motion to adopt the budget. Thurmonj Hearn made the motion that we adopt the proposed Budget as presented for the City of Southlake for the fiscal year-Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 19(8. J. J. Carlile seconded the motion. The councils vote was unanimous in its favor. w ,w J.D. Cate made a motion that the meeting adjourn. It was seconded by J. J. Carlile. It carried unanimously. ~r A copy of Budget is attached to these minutes of the special meeting of Nov. 30, 1.967. Approved by 0 xi Mayor City Secretary aW ~~r IND TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Message----------------------------1 Summary, Revenue Disbursements----------2, Summary, General Fund Revenue-------------3 Summary, General Fund Disbursements-------4 ' Adminstrative----------------------------- 5 ~r AWk City Secretary 6. Fire Department---------------------------7 • Police Department-------------------------8 Planning Committee------------------------9 Water Department-------------------------10 IR ~t CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 1Mr4 ANNUAL BUDGET. iw FISCAL YEAR 1968-1 JANUARY 1968 -31 DECEMBER 1968 is J.L. CLOW, MAYOR W.H. CRUMBAKER- MAYOR PRO-TEM e► COUNCILMEN : e~ J.J. CARLILE J.D. CATE " THURMAN HEARN ' irk EARL WILLIAMS s 40 Honorable City Council City of Southlake Southlake, Texas Gentlemen: This first proposed estimated bud et is prepared and submitted in conformance with Article 989=13, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. It is for the City of Southlake, Texas ' and for the fiscal year 1 January 1968 through 31 December 1968. Southlake has been incorporated since 1956. It has enjoyed a continual and orderly growth. Its geographic location is the center of the Golden Triangle. For a city to grow in uniformity, progress steadily in character, many services are required, thereby necessi- tating the expenditure of funds, the need for a budget and i taxes. Appreciation is extended to all for their cooperation in preparing this estimated budget. Operational demands during the ensuing year will require each indiviual's de- voted efforts in order to continue to satisfy the needs of the city's goverment. { Respectively Submitted J. L. Clow, Mayor R CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS SUIMAR Y OF REVENUE & DISBURSE1,IENTS I! 1963 j ESTIMATED I BUDGET Be(dnning Balance 0- I it PW revenue ii 4615 27 00 II II TOTAL REVENUE 465 27 00 1 ! Disbursements 6611 00 00i'i it TOTAL DISBURSIMENTS 66 1 00 001~ H j Enaind Deficit 19 5 7 3 i L6 Ii 6 ~ ~ I jI W pp li (I it ! i. I I ~ 'I) ! i~I I Not • (,"%'j 'y OL, SVl~iL1~Ai~L~ i~ui1C1S f - FUND 112VENUZ ♦W V-NUL 68 ' ESTIMATED Ij BUDGET 1 Sale of vv titer 3,10 0 000ij II! f, Sine of 'laps (30) ~ 715 0U 0C11 11 Interest ~ 5 0 G 00!j I I TOTAL RECEIPTS i 39100000 - j -i I - From Tarrant County Fire Dept. 114 66001 j I I L'Lra:y ----2,0 0000; _ I~ I 1 I! ~ L, 2T S TOTAL 1') L` E I 2 34660C, I i I I I I; I; Gross Receipts I Tri County i~ 1 0 3 3 CO! S.W. States Te1e. (6 OG 00 T.P.L. I 13 23 00 Buzluin Permits 5 0 000 I~ i Fines 6 j i j TOTAL REC ;IPTS i 406 1001 1. ~ 1 i; (TOT: .L i...,L R; i:,1PT., I 4 615 ~ i 1 I , Ij 1I ( ; l -1,- ( I i - - if ii i + I f II I ~ j ~ it if Aft CITY OF SOUTHLA1I E, TEXAS SU>•ii Al Y GENERAL FUND DISEURSEi NT ~ I~ ESTI!viATED BUDGET Anminstrative Department - $ 5!6 5 0 COI City Secretary Department t 55, 4 20 00 i~ r~ ~i 3740 00 lI Fire Department j! I Police Department t 9050 001 ~I i'l anninSl Com-nittee 301000011 !I ~f water Department _31' 4 i 1 TOTAL EXPENSE j; 6 5 h 00 001' ! j -!-i i I. II I 3 ii I. I ( I j! I I! I it 1f i i II I ~ j it 1 it if •t I t ii 1 _ is I it i I ' 1{ ~ it ~I ~ ~ a j it I it if It i ; l f li I. t' ~ t i I it 1 ! C:['.CY O'o SOU'1ULAKI-:, Td!'I CAS Ci:Ivis:llL i~ U1dL' llISl3J1wLi~l;id`1' - DEP:1:'Tr'u:NT T I~ i! ESTIMATED BUDGET CITY SLCRETAR I' y 41000 OQ Salary Wa-cs ~IrausporaLio7 tx.:xpense ~I 12 0 Oqi I 1 i25 0 001 I' 1iaccriai & Supplies ' if Of.- ica Equip tincaL i _ 2 5 D_OQ I I! j TOTAL EXPENSE 514 2,0 OO I i i I I i is I iT- i ~I ~i . ~ ~ I II ` I I I', I i I ! !I ii i~ ~ II ( ! ~I i 1 i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GENERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS th - II DEPARTMENT I; ESTIMATED BUDGET II ADMINISTRATIVE II SALARIES -Supervision -Clerical 6 0000 ` -0ther 0- Mayor's Expense 3 0 0 OG~ Cis Attorneys Retainer 6 00,001 (Corporation Court 0- a Office Supplies & Postage 300 001 Utilities, "T&T,TPL, Gas" 12 0 0'001 Audit 4 0 0 00 ' ~I Election Fees 2 00'00 Insurance 2 5 0 00 ie Tax Collestor-Assessor 1500 00 Miscellaneous ----3-000_G_ - 565000( er J Expense 5 6 50 00II Total , II I i ~i , CITY UP SOVTIILLAIu:, TEE :AS GEN"" AL FUND D1Si3LJ121Sa 14T D ;l alilTlLZ NT i!, II EST IiIA1,E,D Ij BUDGET t---- ' 1w - Ilatc ial S'loiMes-- Office 100 CO I i .audio quipLmcat j 1500CO 0 0 0 II Mainte La <:ce of Lquiptment 1 000 0 it Insurance 2 0 C 00 I ~I TclepLLone 140 C) C) ,I li I ~ I Gas & Oil @ 25mo 3 CC. 00 scellane ous i 00 001 TOTAL X-22LYSE 3 17 4 0 00 Ii ~I II _ i' ( I if ii II I ( ! II i J i i I` I: I! i I I~ i ~ r I d i! WOW i i i , 1 • l~ l1 1 U1' .5 Q ~.111LI:1.~. ~ ~1 i'.~AS Gi 3NE -LA~, ! WD DIS!;UaSE14NT li ESTLMAT:D II I;UD- 1 i I i POLICE F- - 600 001 Salaries G 14uL;es- Regular 61 unifc::m Allowance ~3 0 0 CO ` ' 3 00 00, Gas & vii ~I j! !I II ~j 1das,:teuance of ~ ;ciuip:nent 200 00I Telephone "r ielerapl. 2 3 C CO 110 0 OQi Traver a Trainii.n 1 I ' M ' I 1 0 C OG' ~I 1! .scellaneaus ~i lp Radio rase ScaLion S 0 0_GO ~I TOTAL E:,:PE 3-- i -Lo ' ) I ya.~ Ii •l 11 I (I I~ I i !I iI ~,I Ii I III j j I i l CITY OV SOUT!lL,'Ul TEXAS GENSR.`~L FUND DISBURSE1,1ENT DEi3LRTl, NT I. H II j ESTIMATED j BUDGET it j I PLAP-NING CGivuiITTEL it Salary & Wages $ Planning ct Enc,in Bering Fees 300 000 II !L - ~I TOTAL EXPENSE 300 0 00 j! ! Ij II I~ II Ij ,i ' i i I Ti ! ~ I I I I t i i q E oft li I li F I j li i ~ I I CITY O SOU ,1LLL 1.-,'.,:AS r r•n, n - l,T lil~i..\L~L FUND E OWN is - r,~ i r~~ f•-• - i~ ~ ~i I! " ESTDIATED BUDGET Salary & Wages 3 ~ v 0 Odi II nn ink CollecLing 1500 0 Ii riaiatenance & I:epai, s 2 11-00 0 I it I; i~ iia~erials 3 00 0 0 I I' I lft111.t1eS 1i01L2LS 1. S G 0 v Ij Postal e & Cards 22 0 OCJ ii II 0 0C 13.2 Office Supplies I Maintenance Scorabe Tank ~ 1I50 0 00 Nei.. :Mains "4" 3000' 1 000 ' 0q~ New :le 11 1 215 G 0 Oa Aux. Storage Tank i' 715 CO 00 I ~I En ineerin- Fees ~ 2 5 0 0 00 I Ij pp disc. Lxpeiise 1 0 0 G; Oa! j - ----I ( !I 11!; 38 640' ! Gic.L 2.T.:tioE l i I; jl I i ~I I ~ it fl I ~i I I i I I li i. I I I , I ` mp I I i II ! I I pp j !I I I~ I I 1 fl ~ fl