1967-11-07 CITY OF SOUTHIAKE Minutes of November 7, 1967 The regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor J. L. Clow at 7:30 P, M. November 7, 1967. Councilmen present were: Slim Hearn, Earl Williams, J. J, Carlile, W. H. Crumbaker, and J. D. Cate. The reading of the minutes of October 3, and October 17, 1967, were read by the Secretary. They were corrected and approved as corrected. The Mayor made a request that any individual wishing to appear before the City Council please contact him before hand so that they may be included in the preparation of the plans of the meeting. Mr..Brock presented his sub-division plans to the Council for approval. Slim Hearn made the motion the the Council accept the plans with attached letter as submitted. J. D. Cate seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor. A discussion was held on ample footage requirements for alleys in Bain Tree Acreas sub-division. A minimum of 12 feet seemed to be the feeling of the Council, but no action could be taken until plans from Rain Tree Acreas was presented to Council for approval. Mr. Kincad asked the Council if he could keep his mobile home as a permanet residence if he improved it. No formal action was taken by the Council, however they said that perhaps he could if his plans for addition met all requirements contained in the City's building ordinance. Slim Hearn made a report on his attendance at the North East Cities Council Meeting. Mr. C. M. Gordon also attended this meeting. A discussion was held as to the benefit that Southlake could receive from becoming a member of this council. It was to be decided later if Southlake would send two members. After hearing a report from Mr. Crumbaker on radio equipment the City had in mind to purchase, the Council decided to look further for better radio equipement. Roger Baird made a report on attending the Planning Board meeting. He felt that the board was making good progress and was getting off the ground. Slim Hearn made a motion that the City Council accept Lone Star Gas Company's proposed gas rate schedule offered earlier this year and that we adopt propsed ordinances granting Lone Star Gas Co. )R franchise, the precedent agreement, and authorize the Mayor and City Secretary to sign these ordinances and present them to Lone Star Gas Co. for their acceptance. Earl Williams seconded the motion and the vote by the Council was unanimous. Earl Williams made the motion that the Council adjourn. Seconded by J. D. Cate and carried unanimously. Approved By: Secretary May City of Southlake Minutes of November 7, 1967 Wi ~ A J. L. Clow The City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor, at 7:30 p.m. November 1-967. Cour_ci.lman present were Slam Hearn, Earl Williams, J. J. Carlile, W. H. Crumbaker and J. D. Cate. w c I ' 19(7 e The reading of the minutes of October 3~andctd ~ 17 tt~. rem n a4~ The mayor made a rer.uest, that any ndiv~dual wishinr to aprear before the city council please contact him before hand so that trey may be included in the preperation of the plans of the meeting. Mr. Brock presented Ihis sub-division plans to the council for approval. Slim Hearn made the motion that the council .accept the plans with attached letter as su mitt:ed.".„D`~ Cate"seconded the motion. The vote -vas unagr+rM.s in favor'' 'i 3 A discussion was held on ample footage requirement for alleys in Rain Tree Acreas sub-division. A minimum of 19 feet seemed to be ` the feeling of the council, but no action co>>ld be taken until plans' from Rain Tree Acreas was presented to council for approval. Mr. d asked the council if he could keep his mobile home as a perminent nent redidence if,'he t-~o it. Tho no motion was made pe by the council, they said that perhaps IVY could if his,pian5 'for addition met. all requirements contained in the City's building ordances, L Slim Hearn made a report on his attendance at the North East Cities ~ 41 . Council Meeting. Mr. C. M. Gordon also attended this meeting. A discussion Ts held as to the benefit that Southlake could receive from becoming4rembers of this council. It: was to be decided later if Southlake would send two members. After hearing a report from Mr. Crumbaker on radio equipment the city had 1 had in mind to purchase, the council decided to look further for better radio eou'pment. Roger Baird made a report-on attending the Planning Board meeting. lie felt that the ?-~oard was making good progress and was getting off the ground. Council accept LoneStar Gas Co.'s Slim Hearn made a mom tion that the City proposed gas rate schedule-'offered earlier this year.and t,ha}hweep-dopt proposed ordinances granting Lone Star Gas Co. a franchise, cedent agreement., and authorize the mayor and city secretary to sign these ordinances and present them to Lone Star Gas Co. for hir acl pt r ante. Earl Williams seconded the motion and the vote by the c was ids i e1oloY Earl Williams made the motion that the council adjourn. Seconded by J. D. Cate and carried llmrmte~rs-ly. 1 46 V40