1967-10-17 CITY OF SOUTHIAKE Minutes of October 17, 1967 The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor J. L. Clow at 7:30 P. M. Councilmen present were: W. H. Crumbaker, J. J. Carlile, J. D. Cate, and Earl Williams. The minutes of October 3, 1967 were not read. The first order of business was the reading of a letter from Mr. Hargadine, head of the zoning committee. The letter stated that they had heard Mr. Brocks request to approve paving in his sub-division. It further stated that it did not meet with the city's requirements. A motion was made by Earl Williams and seconded by J. D. Cate that city ordinance on requirements for streets and sub-divisions be followed in Mr. Brocks case and in all future cases concerning paving in the city of Southlake. The motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by J. J. Carlile and seconded by W. H. Crumbaker to annex the Bobby Jo Bailey Property according to City Ordinance No. 146. The motion was carried unanimously. A report was made on pavement around the city hall. The city had received a bid of $1.25 per square yard from J. H. Construction Co. C. M. Gordon gave a report on city planning. A need for city taxes and full time manager was made apparent. A suggestion was made that a letter be written to City Water Customers informing then of the existing water regulations and that this letter be sent with the current water bill. A discussion was held on budgets and city taxes. Roger Baird agreed to work with department heads on a budget. A motion was made by J. D. Cate and seconded by J. J. Carlile to amend Section 8 of Ordinance 119 to read 1200 sq. ft. minimum in place of the former 750 sq. ft. minimum. The motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by J. J. Carlile and seconded by J. D. Cate that we send a check of $50.00 to the City of Grapevine for dispatching services rendered. The motion carried unanimously. J. D. Cate made the motion that the council meeting adjourn. It was seconded by J. J. Carlile and carried unanimously. Approved By: Secretary Mayor CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MINUTES! IOF October 17. 192, Q The meeting was called to order by Mayor, J. L. Clow at 7:30 m. Councilmen present were; W. H; Crumbaker, J. J. Ca.rlile, J. D. Cate and Earl Williams. E The r4i ze mi.nu+es of October 3, 1967 were aja~ read. The first order of business was the reading of a letter from Mr. Hargadine) head of +he zoning committee, The letter stated that they had heard Mr. Brock0s request to approve paving in his sub-division. It furth*r stated that it did ~a not meet with the city(s reouirement. Oil A motion w-s made by Earl Williams and seconded by J. D. Cate that city i~ ordnance on renuiremen+s for streets and sub-divisions 1-e followed in Mr. Brooks case and in all future cases concerning pavin.. in the city of Sout1lake. The motion was carried unrely. t.~,~L A motion was made by J. J. Carlile,and seconded by W. H. Crumbaker to annex the Bobby Jo Bailey Property accorHA to City Ordnance No. 146. The motion was carried u eualy. Cj .~Lvt2. A report was made on pavement ar unrl +he city hall. The city had received a bid Of $1.25 per souare Yk* from. J. H. Construction Co. C. M. Gnrdon gave a report on city planning. A need for city taxes and full time manager was made apparent. A suggestion was made that a letter be written to City water Customers informing them of the existing water regulations and that this letter be sent wi_+h the current water bill. A discussion ws held on budgets and city taxes. Roger Baird agreed to work T.Ti th department heads on a budget. A motto vi s made by J. D. Cate and seconded by J. J. Carl le to amend Section of Ordnance 119 to read 1200 so. ft. minimum in place of the former 750 so. ft.. minimum. The motion carried urrr-4*9ly. j rr A motion T.,!?s made by J. J. Carlile and seconded by J. D. Cate that, we send c -r, a c'eck of.0~ +o +hk City of Grapev-1nP for di sp?t.chi ng services rendered. a 4V /yy°ti0'4 Q BY.it rt, ~s2 € .wry au~+G J. D. Cate made the motion that the council meeting adjourn. It was seconded by J. J. Carlile and carried unamiously. t rw Approved by: v , ayor Secy. w~-