1967-10-03 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Minutes of October 3, 1967 The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor, J.L. Clow at 7:30 p.m. Councilmen present were: W.H. Crumbaker, Slim Hearn, Earl Williams, J.J. Carlile, and J.D. Cate. City Attorney, Ben McClure was also present. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 20, 1967 were read by the secretary. They were corrected and approved as corrected. The first order of business was to select a mayor por tem. Earl Williams made the motion that Webb Crumbaker be appointed mayor pro tem. J.D. Cate seconded the motion. All members voted and it carried unanimously. Old Business: Gas deposits have been returned. We received from H.U.D.,as requested, a termination of agreement. The council is studying the franchise proposal with Lone Star Gas Company. Mr. Brock presented his plans on subdivision and requested approval of development paving. This matter was referred to the zoning committee and no action was taken at this time. A motion was made by Earl Williams to write a letter to the Keller Water System informing them of their violation of our city ordanance No. 68. Slim Hearn seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. A motion was made by J.D. Cate to have new trailer permit forms printed with portion of city ordinance and violation pentalities. It was seconded by Webb Crumbaker and the motion carried unanimously. A discussion on the need for increasing our city ordanance requirement on minimum square feet for living area was held. Action on this was to be taken in the future. A motion was made by J.J. Carlile that the council meeting adjourn. It was seconded by J.D. Cate and carried unanfmiously. Approved by: Secretary MAYOR CITY rF SOUTHLAKE * Minutes of COftober 3, 19(7 The meeting was called to order by Mayor, J. L. Clow a+ 7:30 p.m. Council-- men present were: W. H. Crumbaker, Slim Hearn, Earl Williams, J. J. Csrlile and J. D. Cate. City Attorney Ben McClure was also present. 0 The minutes of September 1-9, 1967 were APP'"" -1~4 read. AN The first order of business *,--s to select a mayor por tem. Earl Williams mace tl?e the mo~ti p that Webb Crumbaker be appointed mayor pro tem. J. D. Cate seconded the motion. All members voted and it, carried unani•mol.isly. ar Old Business - Gas Aeposit.s have been ret.nrned. We received f=rnm H.J.D. as renuesteca a +ermina.tion of agreement. The council is stndyinn the fr-nchise proposal with Lone Star Gas Company. . Mr. Brock present.edihis plans nn sub division and requested approval of development paving; This matter was referred to the zoning committee and no action was ta'-en at this time. A %=jQn was made by Earl Williams to Tari.te a letter to the Keller Water Svstem informing them of their vi.loatinn of our city ordinance No. 49. Slim Hearn seconded the motion and if carried unanimonly. A moon was made by J. D. Cate to ha-P, nera trailer permit. forms printed with portion of City ordnance and Violation PPrtalit:ies. It was sec^nder? by Webb Crumbaker and the motion carried unanimously. ' A discussion on the need for increasing our ci.t.y ordnance reoui.rement on minimum souare feet for living area was held. Action on this w-,s to be taken in +he future. ,41 A motion -as made by J. J. Carlile that the council meetinr^ adjourn. It w"s seconded by J. D. Cate and carried unanamiously. .+w Approved by: c 4j_ AYOR Secy. •.r 44