1967-08-01 i I, REGULAR 1 EETlivG August 1, 1967 UTTY OF SUU'1'HL E UGUivCIL The meeting was called to order by mayor Paul Schell. Council-en present were: J. L. Clow J. D. Cate ' J. J. Carlile Three sets of minutes of previous meetings were read and approved. The new owner of the truck stop on Highway 114 checked with the Council concerning the zoning of the Drive In Grocery and the 1,,tayor informed him that no further zoning is necessary. mr. C. M. Gordon made the following statement: "I would like put in the minutes that two years ago I offered to do planning and zoning with no cost to the city." The mayor assured him that no slight was intended. rr. Gordon was appointed chairman of the/Planning and Zoning~Committee and he is to select the other members of the committee. Mrs. W. T. Willingham asked that the one acre described on the attached plat be rezoned commercial in order to operate a beauty shop in a small building behind their home. Mr. Carlile made motion to grant this. Motion seconded by Mr. Cate and carried. mhe:question was brought up about persons being connected with city water and private that could pollute the city water system. car. Clow made a motion authorizing mr. Carlile to get a bid from Mr. Cline to do" his inspecting. notion was second ed by mr. J. D. Cate and carried. ' The meeting adjourned. A~ 44A ' - Pa I 4ce ~i yor ` a- i' Jesse Cummins, secretary