Uity of `7,outhlake Council
I, The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Schell.
councilmen present were: 1,1. Brumbaker
a J. D. Cate
Earl Williams
i/ J. L. Clow
J. J. Carlile
The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
The matter of a swimming pool ordinance was discussed but
no action could be taken until the matter was reviewed by
the City Attorney who was not present. The mayor stated
that all persons getting permits to build swimming pools
should be warned of their responsibility.
There was a discussion on trailers or mobile homes being
in ~,outhlake. The mayor explained to the visitors that the
trailer permits were good for only six months and could be
renewed two more times if the owner were actually going to
build a permanent home.
iy!r. Blevins explained that he lived in. a trailer and
asked the council what he could do to continue living in it.
;xplanation was given to Mr. .levins that if he connected
the trailer to the house on his land, he could continue to
r live in it. tie was requested to see Mr. Ted Kasper, the
Trailer Commissioner, to wore out the details.
The !amity Building was discussed. ter. Cate made a
motion that Red Higgins let three bids on completing the
wiring in the city buildini mr. Clow seconded and the
motion carried unanimously.
I~ The mayor read a letter from the /,oning t3oard concerning
commercial zoning of the Clayton property.
Regular Meeting July 18, 1967 '
mhe mayor set a special meeting for zoning request to
zoning request to
be held on July 21, 1`;67.
rir. Art Clifton spoke out against spot zoning. iIhe mayor
exr;lained that the Pity did not have the funds for a general
zoning plan. Mr. uarlile made a mot.,I n that Tirt vlifton '
be appointed to solicit funds for the purpose of paying for
a plan to zone the city. notion was seconded by mr. ,,rumdaker i
and carried unanimously.
The mire chief, 1•1r. *Qyne moffit, asked if the Yire
Department we-re a part of the city. He was assured that it
The mayor opened the discussion on natural gas. He
said: "The council and I still feel that municipal Gas is
the answer to the city's 'Financial Tveeds,' .
After a discussion, the mayor set a meeting with art ulifton
and some oz the }G• ~l citizens to exchange ideas on the
gas proposal and the contracts signed recently with the
Southwestern Gas pipeline. mr. Roger baird reminded the
council and the people that other -as companies were
interested in this area.
The city secretary asked for permission to rent an
adding machine for use on the city books. Art Clifton
offered his adding machine to the city. mr. Williams made
a motion to pay 315.00 to mr. Clifton for the use of his
adding machine. motion was seconded by mr. Carlile and
The meeting adjourned.
Paul Schell, Mayor
Jesse Uummins, secretary