Regular meeting
July 6, 1967
Southlake City Council
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul behell
Councilmen present were, earl williams
W. H. Crumbaker
J. D. irate
I J. J. Carlile
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. The minutes
were read and approved.
The subject of a swimming pool ordinance for the city was
brought up for discussion. n sample ordinance from the
Texas Municipal League was read. The fact that many people
have open stock tanks was noted. yr. Williams said he
thought the council should study the ordinance before any
action was taken. A motion was made and carried, to this
effect. is/ -7-,D-ca 7-' -2 "+cf E-a•/ Kh//mss t°y,
mr. John 'ruin reported that a new application for an air
field on Keller Road has been made. •,r. Schell read a letter
he had written to the FX-4 saying that the City of Southlake
® had previously turned down this request. That the feeling
is against this airport because of the proximity of the
citizens living in C`ak Knoll addition. There is no objection
to Mr. Kemmner having; an air field for his sole personal use.
N moot;. was made to send this letter to the FBA and to re
serve a copy for the city files. r•~otion made by J. D. gate
and seconded by J. earlile carried unanimously.
vr. Ted Kasper was present and reported on the situation
on house trailors since he has become trailor commissioner.
sir. Kasper suggested that a person applying for a. trailor
permit sign a contract stating that they intend to build i
within 6 months. That after 6 months if the person has not
commen ed with his home that the tra or be re ove.
i(/o ~osns:~G<1~», un~:t iSC.n..f4L wa,s
mr. W. T. Higgins, building commissioner asked for a new
rate for building permit costs. Example rates furnished by
13 the Texas Vun. League were noted. ,After some discussion
a m4nc~was made by Mr. urumbaker that $10.00 a square ft
be ch,.rO d for all types of residential construction and
then the schedule in ordinance 96 be followed to compute the
cost of.the permit. motion was seconded by J. D. mate and
carried unanimously.
Regular meeting July 6, 1967
Jimmy Truelove of the Dalton company wa, r,resent and spoke
in behalf of his company and their job in putting in the
Municipal water System and asked that the city pay the bill
being held up by the council. The bill had been held be
3KAp(01- cause of complaints of water users of damage to their
property not yet corrected.
mr. uarlile made a motion to pay this bill (in the neighbor
hood of ?400 ) Fotion;was seconded by Earl Williams and
carried unanimously.
Mr. Clifton asked about the bill for the time water for
the city was furnished by his well due to a breakdown in
the City water ~ electrical system (caused by lightning)
- - 1y . y
with no further business the meeting was adjourned.